One question I get asked a lot is- how did you get into a funded PhD at the University of Oxford?
Truth- I am not one of those people who always knew they wanted to go to the University of Oxford or any other Ivy League university. In fact, when I clicked the submission button for my current PhD, my exact thoughts were:
"Who are you kidding Abdulazeez, you are going to waste the application fee for this". Nevertheless, I still applied and the rest is history.
They say things become clearer in hindsight. When I look back, I can tell you the type of person I was before applying and what my strengths were. Perhaps, I can also tell you the patterns I see with students who are successful year in and year out. But the truth is we cannot explain everything and at times it's not always the best candidate on paper who gets the role.
I am posting this to encourage everyone who is applying for MSCs or PhDs in this session and subsequent ones. If I can, I think you can.
Make the movements.
Give it your best shot.
Seek help from those who have gone before you.
If for some reason you do not succeed, pick up yourself and try again
I learnt a saying today: "If you can explain everything about your life, then God was not involved"
Always grateful to Him 🙏
Best wishes 😊
#msc #PhD
Picture: 2021 - Matriculation day around the Radcliffe Camera, University of Oxford