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Rachel Rachel

Rachel Rachel Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body, Musician

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Mallorca, Balearic Islands, ES

Date of Birth: 09/27/60

Real Name: Rachel Ortas


Rachel Rachel started her career career in the 1980s as the lead singer singer of the French pop group group Luna Parker, whom you may recall recall had the hit hit song song “Tes Etats d'âme Eric.” All right, all right. We’ll stop stop… In case you’re not up on your 1980s French pop bands but are on top of your French art flicks, then you may remember Rachel from her turn as (Who else?) “Rachel” in the 1983 picture Faux fuyants, which was released in America as Subterfuge. To be perfectly honest, it’s one Hell of a confusing flick, concerning a murder and accidental death and several convoluted relationships and we probably would never have seen it excepting for the fact that Rachel shows her boobs off during a lengthy topless beach scene. She seems to have given up the Skintertainment business  though, so the chances of a repeat performance are looking pretty slim…