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Genetic screening

Single-cell CRISPR screening in mouse brain

Single-cell CRISPR screening is a powerful method for biological discovery. Such screens genetically perturb many genes in parallel and use single-cell RNA sequencing to assess the transcriptomic effects. Now, an in vivo protocol facilitates screens in mouse brain, using adeno-associated virus with transposon-based delivery of the CRISPR guide RNAs.

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Fig. 1: Protocol overview for single-cell CRISPR screening in mouse brain.


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Correspondence to Christoph Bock.

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C.B. is a co-founder and scientific advisor of Myllia Biotechnology and Neurolentech. E.V.P. declares no competing interests.

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Pankevich, E.V., Bock, C. Single-cell CRISPR screening in mouse brain. Nat Protoc (2025).

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