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Imaging whole-brain activity to understand behaviour


Until now, most brain studies have focused on small numbers of neurons that interact in limited circuits, allowing analysis of individual computations or steps of neural processing. During behaviour, however, brain activity must integrate multiple circuits in different brain regions. Whole-brain recording with cellular resolution provides a new opportunity to dissect the neural basis of behaviour, but whole-brain activity is mutually contingent on behaviour itself, especially for natural behaviours such as navigation, mating or hunting, which require dynamic interaction between the animal, its environment and other animals. Many of the signalling and feedback pathways that animals use to guide behaviour only occur in freely moving animals. Recent technological advances have enabled whole-brain recording in small behaving animals including the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the larval zebrafish Danio rerio. These whole-brain experiments capture neural activity with cellular resolution spanning sensory, decision-making and motor circuits, and thereby demand new theoretical approaches that integrate brain dynamics with behavioural dynamics. We review the experimental and theoretical methods used to understand animal behaviour and whole-brain activity, and the opportunities for physics to contribute to this emerging field of systems neuroscience.

Key points

  • Advances in optical microscopy allow brain-wide imaging with cellular resolution throughout the sensory, decision-making and motor circuits of behaving animals.

  • A complete understanding brain-wide dynamics requires requires the context provided by behavioural dynamics: ongoing behaviour emerges from brain activity, and brain activity itself is contingent on past behaviours and experiences.

  • Brain activity is organized by structural, functional and physiological mechanisms. The wiring diagram of the brain (the connectome) represents pathways of synaptic information flow. The molecular properties of synapses and cells determine the neuronal responses to sensory and synaptic inputs. Non-synaptic mechanisms organize brain-wide activities corresponding to different behavioural states.

  • Small animals like nematodes, insects and larval fish are tractable models for comprehensively exploring and modelling the mechanisms of brain-wide activity and behaviour.

  • Modelling brain-wide activity is a multiscale problem from synapses to cells to circuits, across brain areas and across behaviours.

  • Both top-to-bottom modelling — posing a theory of neural computation and modelling biological mechanisms that might carry it out — and bottom-to-top modelling — looking for structure in high-dimensional activity patterns that might explain correlated behavioural patterns — are important strategies for building towards an understanding of brain-wide dynamics and animal behaviour.

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Fig. 1: Recording from the brains of behaving animals.
Fig. 2: Samples of pan-neuronal recordings in behaving animals.
Fig. 3: Computational methods for neural and behavioural analysis.

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The authors thank J. Kanwal, D. Zimmerman and V. Susoy for discussions. This work was partially supported by funding from the Simons Foundation SCGB 697092 and US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Brain Initiatives U19NS113201 and R01NS11311 awarded to S.W.L., US National Science Foundation (IOS-1452593) and NIH (R01 NS082525, R01 GM130842-01 and U01-NS111697) grants to A.D.T.S., and a Burroughs Wellcome Career Award and American Federation for Aging Research Junior Faculty Award to V.V.

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Lin, A., Witvliet, D., Hernandez-Nunez, L. et al. Imaging whole-brain activity to understand behaviour. Nat Rev Phys 4, 292–305 (2022).

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