Archive for April 19th, 2008

When an F-111 Collided with a Pelican ...

What happened when an F-111 fighter jet collided with a large pelican? It's amazing that the pilot recovered the plane and landed safely:AN F-111 was left "shredded" and incapacitated and was forced to make...

Trivia: Marlboro Was a Woman's Cigarette

Marlboro was originally branded as a woman's cigarette.Filtered cigarettes were considered feminine as reflected by Marlboro's original slogan "Mild as May." In the 1930s, Marlboro even changed the cigarette ti...

Inflatable Toast Mattress

Some things in life are so ridiculous yet so awesome that they leave us breathless. This may just be one of those things: behold, the Inflatable Toast Mattress!Breakfast in bed? No, breakfast is bed! Link - via...

Covini C6W: Six Wheeled Sportscar

Waitaminute - something ain't right here! Actually, that's the Covini C6W, a six-wheeled sportscar that supposedly have more traction for cornering and braking.You can see more at Dark Roasted Blend's World's Strangest V...

Rocket Bike

Found at Joey deVilla's The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century, photo by Miss Fipi Lele. Would someone tell me the background story of this rocketastic motorcycle mod, pretty please?...

Quote: Isaac Asimov on Knowledge and Wisdom

"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom." - Isaac Asimov, author...

I Love the World

[] (YouTube link) This promo song from The Discovery Channel is perfect for Earth Day (which is Tuesday). From ad agency 72andSunny. -via Viral Video Chart...

Imaginary Animals: Are They Kosher?

Would a jackalope be kosher? How about a dragon? In honor of upcoming holidays like Passover, I thought I would ask Jeff’s better half, Ann VanderMeer, editor of Weird Tales and a practicing Jew, to give us an id...

Every "He's Dead, Jim" Line from Classic Star Trek

[Video Link] Dr. McCoy's classic line, plus a few contributions from Spock and Uhura. 41 seconds long. via Ace...

Homemade Coffee Printer

If you are envious of people who can do latte arts, then buy yourself some parts from eBay and build yourself a coffee printer for your home! (Results may vary from those in the video). Link [youtube video] - via...

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