Archive for October 29th, 2009

24 Hour Tombstones

Time is tight if you are just starting to make Halloween decorations, but this one can be ready in a day. Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories has instructions for making your own concrete tombstone! It might not be fancy...

Your Prefix of the Day: Yotta-

Mr. Dalton Chiscolm sued Bank of America for $1,784 billion trillion dollars.  That's $1,784,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.  In the International System of Units this amount would be expressed as 1.784 yottadollars. T...

Reliving Radio History This Halloween

This Halloween marks the 71st anniversary of the night The Mercury Theater aired a live production of the H.G. Wells story of a Martian invasion, The War of the Worlds. At least two websites are...

Top 11 Oddball Tax Deductions

People have deducted swimming pools, breast implants, and body oil from their income for tax purposes -and the IRS allowed it! You can deduct anything if you can justify it as a legitimate business expense. Elev...

Fantasy Bookplates

Will at A Journey Around My Skull asked readers to create bookplates in the style of the early-20th century magazine Der Orchideengarten (previously at Netaorama) for a contest. They were to include orchids and other...

Flammable Ice

(YouTube Link) High school science teacher "Mr. Kent" has a YouTube channel full of neat chemistry demonstration videos. In this one, he sets ice on fire. Here's how: Ice is added to a dry Pyrex bowl. When...

The Largest Mona Lisa in the World

Under the direction of artist Katy Webster, children painted an enormous copy of Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa at a shopping mall in Wales: Dozens of adults from community groups and youngsters from W...

The Hot Air Lanterns of the Chiang Mai Yi Peng Festival

(YouTube Link) The Chiang Mai Yi Peng Festival is an Buddhist holy day in Thailand. That evening, celebrants send send burning lanterns aloft, floating on hot air. According to YouTube user bugzila: [...]it...

An Interactive Illustration of the Size of Atoms

The Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah has created an interactive feature that allows you to see the relative size of small objects, starting with a coffee bean and magnifying down to a carbon atom...

The History of Birth Control

Newsweek presents a pictorial history of birth control methods. We've come a long way since the Greek philosopher Aristotle recommended olive oil as a spermicide! -Thanks, Steady...

The Silverware Swallower

A Dutch medical magazine asked its readers to send in their stories of strange medical cases. One respondent told the tale of Margaret Daalman, who came in to the hospital 30 years ago complaining of a stomach ache. An x...

Geologists: Experts in the Art of Subduction

Geologists: Experts in the Art of Subduction - $11.95, modeled by Zac.Ever been seduced by a geologist? No? Well, you can't blame them - though they're not well versed in seduction, they are experts in the art o...

Lost Luggage

Remember Dave Carroll of the group Sons of Maxwell who wrote the song United Breaks Guitars after seeing his guitar abused? He flew United Airline again on Sunday on his way to speak to a group of customer service execut...

videosift Clips of the Week

(Links open in a new browser window/tab) Painfully Honest and Epic Mobile Home Commercial Come on down and buy yourself a home. Or don't. I don't care. Link Keanu Re...

What is it? Game 113

This week's collaboration with the What is it? Blog brings us this strange looking device - can you guess what it is for?Place your guess in the comment section. One guess per comment, however, you can guess as many time...

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