What happens when your engineer had a little too much (okay a lot of) fun with cantilevers? Behold, the Balancing Barn by MVDRV of Rotterdam and Mole Architect of Britain:More than 50 percent of the Balancing Barn is...
Darren Bryant scanned a catalog called Stromberg's Chicks & Pets Unlimited 1972, from which you could order chickens, dogs, skunks, raccoons, monkeys, anteaters, chinchillas, minks, owls, and even an oce...
Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/University of LeicesterEarth is not the only planet with the phenomenon of polar lights, Saturn has 'em too! NASA's Cassini orbiter captured infrared images that revealed the stunnin...
Brothers Will and Matt Burrard-Lucas were on a trip to the Masai Mara in Kenya where they spotted an unusually pink baby hippo sunning along the riverbanks!The hippo was clearly a young one since it was much smaller...
I'm old enough to remember the original TRON, released in the early 80s. I was so into the movie, I went out and bought every gaming console that had any cartridges TRON-related. One of my favorites was Intellivision's T...
Clinton N. Godlesky noticed that you can get souvenirs from every state, but those souvenirs are not necessarily made in that state -or even in the US! So he started collecting earth from states that he traveled thro...
Providence, Rhode Island-based artist Dave Cole specializes in large-scale knitting. Recently, he created an enormous knitted piece covering an old bridge in Melbourne, Australia:
All around there it’s very dus...