Archive for May 26th, 2014

Get Back to Work

Okay, if you had Memorial Day off work, pat yourself on the back and then get ready for work Tuesday. I’m sure someone will be there to tell you what to do, even if it’s not who you expect. I...

New Job: Professional Organizer of Children's Summer Camp Luggage

(Photo: New York Post/David McGlynn)If you're a wealthy, professional parent, you may be getting your kids ready to attend an exclusive summer camp in a few weeks. The camp administrators have sent you a packing...

MCM Comic Con London

The spring edition of the MCM Comic Con was held in London last week, and photographer Nick Acott sought out the best cosplayers to show us. I’m not sure who this character is (help me out), but the costume is down...

Lemming Road - Why Did The Pixels Cross The Road?

Lemming Road by OlipopCrosswalks don't come much more classic than that famous one in London that a bunch of Brits walked across and made rock and roll history. Lemmings are the ultimate followers, and their moptop hair...

Pictures of Cute Animals in Costume, Long Before the Internet

"The Aviator"By 1929, photographer Harry Whittier Frees had gained such success through sales of his animal photographs for use in post cards, children's books and advertising materials that he published a book called *e...

Elmo Ukulele

Charles Lushear operates Bohemian Workbench, a custom workworking shop in Venice, California. He is a master of his craft. Lushear has made works that geeks would especially appreciate, such as tables inspired by Nintend...

Popular Album Covers with an Added (Geek) Twist

     Kiss/KissRipt Apparel has taken popular album covers from various eras and genres and added the faces of characters from pop/geek culture. The result is a series of well illustrated and often amu...

Monk Praying 1,000 Times a Day for 20 Years Has Left His Footprints Ingrained in the Wood Floor

(Photo: Reuters)Hua Chi, 70, is a monk at the Buddhist monastery in Tongren, Qinghai province, China. For 20 years, he has prostrated himself before an altar. When he was younger, he did it about 2,000-3,000 times a day....

Aliens Are More Smarter

After a few seconds of thought, I have to say I agree. This reminds me of a movie we’ve all seen. Found at Bad Newspaper.aliens, headline, editing...

How Many Lights Do You See, Captain Picard?

(Joel Watson/Hijinks Ensue)The Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Chain of Command, Part II" showed Captain Jean-Luc Picard captured and tortured by the Cardassians. The Cardassian officer...

Cats Will Talk Your Ear Off

[] (YouTube link)This tiny kitten has a big voice and wants to tell you all about it. They learn young, don’t they? But it’s not just little cats who like to talk.[

The World's Most Photogenic Pig

Jamon, a pig in São Paulo, Brazil, is a big hit on Instagram. He's got a face that makes hearts swoon and a body that is the envy of men. Jamon's format for fame is simple: he tries on different c...

Ten Incredible Facts About the Galaxy

[] YouTube LinkDid you ever, when, say, confronted with a decision whether to nab the last cupcake or flirt with an attractive person other than your significan...

Summer To-Do List

We all have wish lists and concrete plans on how to spend the summer (and sometimes those are the same list). I plan to work as usual, teach my youngest to drive, raise tomato plants, and put up tons of tomatoes and sals...

A Link To The Past - You've Come A Long Way Little Guy!

A Link To The Past by Twist MediaSometimes when you look into the mirror you see the past coming back to haunt you, unfinished business you left behind as your resolution became clearer and your form more heroic. The pi...


Get it? It's table with tableware on it and she's wearing it as though she's a table!Guys, this is your cue to chuckle.Rose-Pastel, a master cosplayer, made this dress inspired by a portrait of Queen Eli...


A new hashtag at Twitter is being used to respond to the discussion surrounding the murder of six people in Isla Vista, California, by Elliot Rodger. Rodger was obsessed with what he perceived as undeserved rejection by...

How to Attract Emus

[](Video Link)How do you attract a flock of emus? This wildlife guide shows a great trick: lie on your back and pump your legs like you're riding a bicycle upside down. Do it and...

Whodunit: Friends at the Office

Neatorama is proud to present a new series of Whodunits from Hy Conrad. The new mysteries are from The Little Giant® Book of Whodunits by Hy Conrad and Matt LaFleur. Can you solve the mystery before you read the...

Movies Made Better By Adding Godzilla

(Image Via GiuseppeQ)(Image Via krakenkraked)(Image Via TheWho)Godzilla is still tearing it up on the silver screen over fifty years since making his mega-kaiju debut, and the success of his latest movie proves you don&r...

Bear Battle Royale

[] (YouTube link)It’s much better to be born a bear cub twin than a single. Look at these two siblings go at it -they are having a lot of fun! Bub Christensen caught these two cubs cavort...

Gorgeous Cover Art From Iron Man Series Industrial Revolution

Avid comic book readers know the cover art doesn’t always match the action taking place in the issue, or at very least it will focus on one pivotal scene in the issue that the publishers are hoping will reel in the...


It’s a traumatic moment for Chris and his son. Look at those two! How did they even get together? Or this experience may open their minds to the possibility that opposites can attract. The chasm between Star Wa...

How to Make a Boomerang Axe

Unfortunately, you missed the door-to-door salesman. He's escaped down the street and it's not really worth chasing him.But now you do have to walk about 50 feet to retrieve your axe, which is no fun since you don't have...

The 45 Top U.S. Armed Forces Movies

This mega-post is a combination of several lists from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Salutes the Armed Forces, to give you ideas for new movies you can seek out and enjoy. Outside of being judged the best of...

Class Of '86 - A Scary Good Senior Year

Class of '86 by Hillary WhiteThe graduates from Hollywood class of '86 are a pretty diverse and scary bunch, but no class member was more misunderstood than poor Xenia the xenomorph. She was the sweetest girl on campus,...

Freaky Early Concept Versions Of E.T. By Rick Baker

The little Reese’s Pieces addict known as E.T. is pretty cute, in a turtle without a shell kinda way, but the version presented on the silver screen is a far cry from the original concepts which were being kicked a...

Blind Football Player Signs with Top College Team

(Image: CBS)Aaron Golub is legally blind. But that hasn't stopped him from being highly successful on the football field. He convinced Coach Ted Dalicandro of Newtown South High School in Newton, Massachusetts to let him...

The 15 Stupidest Comic Book Superpowers

The creative conferences and the pressure to come up with ever more new superheroes in the comic book publishing industry must be intense, or maybe writers get just plain desperate. For some comic book characters, booth...

Man Spent Ten Years Transforming Massive Hedge Into A Dragon

(Image Via Damien McFadden)There are many things you can do in the space of a decade- age some fine wine, complete the schooling necessary to become a doctor, serve a prison sentence for insurance fraud or watch your cut...


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