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A web based management, configuration and control platform for Homebridge.
- homebridge-plugin
- ui
- gui
- web
- homebridge
- homebridge-config-ui-x
- ui-x
- config-ui-x
- homebridge-x
- homebridge server
- homebridge ui
- homebridge-ui
- homebridge gui
- homebridge-gui
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Homebridge plugin to control LG webOS TV.
Homebridge plugin to control Xbox game consoles.
Homebridge UniFi Protect plugin providing complete HomeKit integration for the UniFi Protect ecosystem with full support for most features including autoconfiguration, motion detection, multiple controllers, and realtime updates.
- homebridge
- homebridge-plugin
- homebridge-unifi-protect
- homekit
- homekit secure video
- hksv
- camera
- doorbell
- ubiquiti
- unifi
- unifi protect
- motion
- motion sensor
- protect
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Homebridge plugin for Photovoltaic Energy System manufactured by Enphase.
The SwitchBot plugin allows you to access your SwitchBot device(s) from HomeKit.
- homebridge-plugin
- switchbot
- lights
- fan
- outlet
- hub
- lightstrip
- motion
- contact
- vacuum
- lock
- humidifier
- humidity
- temperature
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Plugin that exposes the Apple TV to HomeKit with much richer features than the vanilla Apple TV implementation of HomeKit.
- homebridge-plugin
- appletv
- apple tv
- apple
- tv
- homebridge
- plugin
- playing
- state
- media
- automations
- homekit
- airplay
- roap
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A plugin to control SynTex accessories:
Homebridge plugin to integrate Govee devices into HomeKit.
Homebridge plugin to control Denon/Marantz AV Receivers.
Homebridge plugin for Ring doorbells, cameras, security alarm system and smart lighting
- homebridge
- homebridge-plugin
- ring
- doorbell
- doorbot
- camera
- alarm
- smart
- light
- beam
- security
- category-security
- category-lighting
- category-video
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Homebridge plugin to control Sat Receivers based on openWebIf api.
Homebridge plugin to control Tasmota flashed devices.
Control your Homebridge devices with Amazon Alexa.
Homebridge plugin for Samsung TV's with Tizen OS
Homebridge Plugin Providing FFmpeg-based Camera Support
Homebridge plugin for VeSync devices including Levoit air purifiers, humidifiers, and Etekcity smart outlets
- homebridge-plugin
- tsvesync
- etekcity
- vesync
- levoit
- air purifier
- humidifier
- smart bulb
- smart outlet
- tower fan
- Core200S
- Core300S
- Core400S
- Core600S
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Virtual HomeKit accessories for Homebridge.
- homebridge
- homebridge-plugin
- plugin
- homebridge plugin
- virtual
- virtual accessory
- virtual accessories
- switch
- virtual switch
- delay
- timer
- dimmer
- virtual dimmer
- lightbulb
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Homebridge plugin for Philips Hue