Work - Fitness, Locker, + Spa

114 Pins
VSHD designs gym inspired by brutalism in architecture and underground fight clubs
VSHD warehouse gym D3 evokes brutalism and underground fight clubs
High-Quality Furniture for Sports and Wellness Facilities | Lockers, Benches, Loungers & More
Phenolic lockers, hpl lockers, lockers for wet area — ATEPAA®
David Rockwell and Joyce Wang design first Equinox Hotel in New York
David Rockwell and Joyce Wang design first Equinox Hotel in New York
10 Questions With... Matthew Hufft - Interior Design
Open, airy fitness center Health House in Kansas City, designed by Hufft Projects
50 Ideas For Gym Interior Design Layout - SilkenSpace
Silken Space - Top 50 #Ideas For # Gym #Interior #Design #Layout
Kitzig Design Studios - Innenarchitektur Architektur
Turnhalle, die Fitnesslounge Dortmund, Kitzig Interior Design by Kitzig Design Studios
Kitzig Interior Design GmbH
Kitzig Interior Design GmbH
Home - Creative License International
The Grove | Creative License International | Commercial Interior Design | Hospitality Design | Natural Textures | Fitness Center | Gym | Millwork | Design | Amenity Center |
Creative License Intl
Creative License Intl