Our Blogs

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Good Riddance 2017, Hello 2018.
Good Riddance 2017, Hello 2018.
Homesteading and prepping: What are we prepping for??
Homesteading and prepping: What are we prepping for?? Arid Acres Homestead
If it ain't broke, don't fix it...
Hello and thanks for dropping by. I had hoped to post this on Friday but I had the bright idea to try out a new photo/video editing program and it was cumbersome and complicated. Yes, it had a...
Catching Up. It's been a busy weekend!
Catching Up. It's been a busy weekend!
Sometimes you just have to slow down and take a step back...
Sometimes you just have to slow down and take a step back...
The new pantry!!
The new pantry!! Arid Acres Homestead Blog
Election 2016 is decided but the future is not...
November 9, 2016 has brought us a new President Elect in Donald Trump. Whether you supported his candidacy or Hillary's or like me a 3rd Party Candidate, this one is in the books. No amount of...
More about Permaculture
Arid Acres Homestead Blog - Arid Acres Homestead
Permaculture and it's elements
As I mentioned in the first post in today's series, I am taking a free online Intro to Permaculture Design being offered by Oregon State University. It is a 4 week course led by Andrew Millison and...
The new project!!
Arid Acres Homestead Blog - Arid Acres Homestead
Combining Permaculture, Food Resilience & Self Sufficiency in an Urban Setting
Combining Permaculture, Food Resilience & Self Sufficiency in an Urban Setting
Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy
My apologies for being absent these last few days. I have been dealing with the loss of a very close family friend who was like a nephew. I've known Dennis and his family for over 25 years now....