
315 Pins
This may contain: two hands holding a plastic container filled with food
This may contain: three bento boxes are stacked on top of each other
Lunch Box
#bento #bentobox #lunchbox #shopnow #reelsindia #trendingreels
Saturday lunch bento
Saturday lunch bento by Legitimate_Treat9249
marimo まりも on Instagram: “↟↟↟ 4.5(金) おはようございます☺︎ 今日はエビフライ🍤弁当です。 昨日、久々にヤクルトが飲みたくなって 買って即1本飲んだ😂 エビフライ 卵焼き ほうれん草のおかか&天かす和え 白菜の漬物 紅しょうがの唐揚げ(冷食) ごはん …”
Serious jealousness when I see Yosuke-san @yosuke2060 and his daily lunch bento boxes that he usually cooked for himself (sometimes his wife do too). This is part 2 as I did post his previous bento box and millions of you loved it! What do you think of this one? We miss you in Sydney, Yosuke-san! #placesinsydney #bentobox #bento #lunch #japanfood #japanesefood #officelife #corporatelife
This may contain: several plates and bowls on a wooden counter top with food in the bowl next to them