
Skiing and Snowboarding pursuits by Black Diamond Equipment. Featuring backcountry skiing, dawn patrols, backcountry boarding, splitboarding, skinning and more.
5 Pins
BD Athlete Mary McIntyre: Get Up to Get Down
Sometimes you got to get up to get down. Watch BD Athlete Mary McIntyre throw on some skins and earn some powder turns in the pacific northwest.
BD Beta Episode 6: Skinning Mechanics
In this BD Beta episode, DPT Esther Smith and BD Athlete Mary McIntyre discuss the mechanics to efficient skinning while skiing and splitboarding in the backcountry.
BD Beta Episode 7: Gym Exercises for the Skin Track
In this BD Beta episode, DPT Esther Smith and BD Athlete Mary McIntyre walk through different gym exercises to help build strength and stability for backcountry touring.
BD Beta Episode 8: Foam Rolling for Ski Recovery
Watch BD Athlete Mary McIntyre and DPT Esther Smith demonstrate a highly effective sequence of foam rolling for recovery after big ski days.
Dawn Patrol: For those who rise. Backcountry Skiing by Black Diamond