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Marcus Stanley on Instagram: "A prayer before you sleep 🙏"
JESUS | GOD | CHRISTIAN on Instagram: "Type Amen if you believe this 🙏 - • follow @godsliving_ for more • follow @godsliving_ for more • follow @godsliving_ for more • • #christian #bible #bibleverse #jesus #faith #god #christianquotes #church #jesuslovesyou #christianity #christ #godisgood #jesusisking #jesusislord #gospel #scripture #bibleversedaily #jesuschrist #scriptures #truth #worship #biblejournaling #biblestudy #prayer #verseoftheday"
Marcus Stanley on Instagram: "A prayer for the new week 🙏"
Jameson Arasi on Instagram: "People often say grief has no timeline—but I think it does. It doesn’t follow a schedule, unfold in neat stages, or come with a roadmap. Healing isn’t measured in days, months, or years—no matter how much we wish it were. But grief does have a timeline—one that divides life into two undeniable halves: before and after. It’s not just about the loss itself—it’s about the moment everything changes. The phone call, the conversation, or the instant you witness it unfold. It’s that single, irreversible fracture in time—when life as you knew it ends, and something unfamiliar begins. Before, the world made sense. There was rhythm, predictability, a wholeness you didn’t even know you depended on. Then, suddenly, you’re in the after—a landscape that feels unrecogni
Godly Lady Talk on Instagram: "There’s nothing more humbling than realizing that my kids are in God’s hands, not mine. I can’t be with them every second, but He can. And honestly? That brings me so much peace. When I can’t hold their hands, God is holding their hearts. When I can’t protect them, He’s standing guard. When I can’t guide them, He’s lighting their path. I’ve prayed so many times for my children—whether it’s about their friendships, their choices, or just that they feel loved and confident in who God made them to be. I’ve prayed for their safety when I send them out the door. I’ve prayed for their joy when I see them struggle. I’ve prayed for their future, knowing God already has it in His hands. And through it all, I keep reminding myself that they were His fir
Ben on Instagram: "#amen #prayer #prayerworks #praying #jesus #christian #worship #prayingwoman"
BibleStudy on Instagram: "💙 Hey moms and dads! 💙 As we step into 2025, I’m lifting up a special prayer for my son, asking God to guide, protect, and bless him in all he does. I want him to walk in integrity, find joy in his relationships, and chase the dreams God has placed in his heart. If this prayer speaks to you, join me in praying for our children as they grow and thrive in this new year. Let’s support each other in raising them with faith and love. 👉 Follow @biblestudy037 Daily prayer and more encouragement. 💻 Dm us bible study and Sign up for Online Bible Study 👀 See Link in Bio to join Our God’s Words Study Group to Strengthen Your Daily Walk with Jesus. #prayerneeded #prayerworks #faith2025 #faithalone #faithfilledlife #PrayerChangesThings #WomenOfFaith #FaithInAction #mynewc
Trust God on Instagram: "🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧☀️ When you hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient. When you pray, be faithful. God, I don't care how hard this year has been. I'm not losing my faith in You. I will trust You and believe that You will give me what is best. Amen,🙏 📖 God says, "The Almighty has mercy on these people who have suffered deeply; at the same time, He is fed up with these people who lack consciousness, as He has had to wait too long for an answer from humanity. He wishes to seek, to seek your heart and your spirit, to bring you water and food and to awaken you, that you may no longer be thirsty and hungry. When you are weary and when you begin to feel something of the bleak desolation of this world, do not be lost, do not cry. Almighty God, the Watcher, will embrace
Andrew Agbo Olose on Instagram: "Here are 7 must-watch Christian movies for every family! #100percentgospelmedia #seasonsgreetings #fyp"
Madeline Marlatt | Mompreneur + Birth Coach on Instagram: "Only say things you’re okay with being a prophecy 🙏🏻 I’ve really been trying to be careful with what I speak over my children. Our words carry so much weight! Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Here are 4 things I’m speaking over my children regularly: 🕊️I declare that my children are protected by the blood of Jesus. They are safe from harm and danger. Psalm 91:11 🕊️ I declare that my children will be a light in the world. They will be a reflection of Jesus to those around them. Matthew 5:14-16 🕊️I declare that my children are blessed and highly favored by God. They are created in His image and have a unique purpose and destiny. Psalm 127:3 🕊️ I declare that my children have the mind of Christ. They will b
Raising Athletes Rooted in Christ | Kylie Sanches on Instagram: "Three prayers written from Psalms to pray over your child’s salvation 🙏🏻🤍 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.“ John 14:6 #prayingmom #dailyprayer #powerofprayer #prayerchangesthings #prayer"
Faithful Witness USA on Instagram: "My daily prayer is that God’s love and guidance will always be with you. In every valley and every peak, I am by your side. Because to me, no matter what lies ahead, you will always be my most precious gift. God bless all our beautiful sons out there. We love you so much. #godisgood #jesuslovesyou #worshipjesus #jesusrocks #thankfulforeverything #freedominchrist #prayerwarriors #floridachurch #wisconsin #wisconsinlife #wisconsinchurch"
JESUS | GOD | CHRISTIAN on Instagram: "Type Amen if you believe this 🙏 - • follow @godsliving_ for more • follow @godsliving_ for more • follow @godsliving_ for more • • #christianity #jesus #christian #faith #god #bible #jesuschrist #bibleverse #prayer #church #gospel #biblestudy #jesuslovesyou #amen #christ #godisgood #worship #scripture #blessed #catholic #heaven #holyspirit #jesusislord #jesussaves #christianquotes #christians"
CHELSEA THOMAS on Instagram: "the reason why God doesn’t reveal His entire plan to you all at once is because if He did, then you would get your peace from the information rather than from your relationship with Him. faith is rooted in TRUST, not understanding.🤍✨ save it if it speaks to you. then forward to a friend that may need this reminder too.💌 we weren’t made to walk alone. . #faith #christian #christianquotes #godisgood #bible #jesus #dailydevotional #spiritualawakening"
TBN on Instagram: "“Sometimes our prayers aren’t answered because we pray them and then we take them back.” - @drdavidjeremiah Watch the full episode with Dr.David Jeremiah through our TBN+ app"