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Blueberry Jam Recipe (Pectin Method + How to Can) | PRINT the recipe: This super fresh blueberry jam is the perfect recipe to use up extra blueberries when they're... | By Wyse Guide | Have you made jam yet? If not, this blueberry jam is going to take you through every step so you feel confident and comfortable to can jam just like I do here. It's going to be the perfect consistency because we're using pectin so it is fail proof and it's absolutely delicious so let's make some. The best way to preserve a fruit is jam and jam is one of the easiest things you can can if you want to be shelf stable. So, we're making blueberry jam today because I happen to pick some beautiful local organic blueberries and I want to make jam. I love to give it as gifts but I also love to use it it's in baking or just on toast whatever it is so what I have here are the blueberries and this is very similar to any jam you're going to make with a pectin I'm using boxed pectin it's the low sugar because that way we get a little bit less sugar but what this does is ensures that it sets at that traditional viscosity so there are different ways to make jam on my website I have a blueberry jam without pectin this is one with pectin so it kind of takes a little bit of guess work away a little bit of the texture that maybe you're used to from a grocery store this is going to be very similar have the bright flavor of fresh berries. Always worth making at home. To start though, blueberries as you know. They have a little bit more of a protective kind of skin on them and so what we need to do unlike other berries is break them down before we actually go to make the jam. Now, I'm going to use just like a potato masher. You can, if you want to, see how I'm just going in there and start to mash em up and instantly, they start breaking apart because they're ripe. You could pulse this a few times in a food processor or blender. You just you don't want to make it a puree. You just want to make sure they're all kind of breaking and then that's how we measure them properly. So, I'm putting the last of my crushed berries and you can see you still see some of that texture and that's what you want. You want to see the texture in front of you and I'm going to make sure I clean my counter too because sometimes guys, I get a little messy when I cook. So, when you're canning, you want to make sure everything is ready before you go. If you want to make them shelf stable which is what I'm going to do. I'm going to water bath them. So, I have my water bath here fitted with a rack in the bottom. I have hot water in it. It's been at a boil so it's sitting ready. I have my jars sterilized my rings my lids ready everything ready to go before I start that's the biggest thing anytime you can have it already so you never feel in a time crunch or rust or pressure so what I'm going to do is start with the berries we're going to put them right into my heavy bottom kettle now I'm using it's a it's a kilner jam pan is kind of what I use it for I just like it I think it works really well but any heavy bottom like think you know a good quality pan is what's important here or sauce pan or stock pot so to this I'm going to add a little bit of lemon zest. You know, it can go too much but a little bit really brings out that fresh flavor and I think that can really be essential. So, just a little bit of the lemon zest is going to go a long way and waking all that fresh flavor up. So, we're going to pop this right in. It already smells so good. We're going to add a very small amount of butter. This just helps the foaming stay down 'cuz you don't want to can foam. You have to remove any foaming that happens but this, the butter usually that fat keeps it down and then, our low sugar pectin. I'm going to sprinkle this right in. I'm going to take it over the stove. I'm going to stir it and heat it up to a rolling boil. This is starting to boil around the edges but that's not a rolling boil. When you bring it up to a rolling boil, meaning you cannot stir it down as in if you keep stirring it, it keeps boiling but what I am doing, do you see that foam that's starting to come up? That's what you want to remove. Foam or air is is what foam is. It's not something you can can safely. So, anytime there is some foam, you want to get in there. Just try to remove it as much as you can and put it over here. Now, remember, this is not jam yet. So, there's not really any good flavor to it because we don't have the sugar in there to bring out the really strong blueberry flavor. So, all we're doing is getting up to that rolling boil. Then, we're going to add sugar. Cook it one minute and then it's done and ready to can. Now, the sugar's in, I'm just going to return it to that rolling boil. So, again, where I can't stir it and stop the boil. Time it for one minute when it's at that rolling boil and then we're ready to go. So, this has cooked for exactly one minute once it was at a rolling boil and this is one of those things where you don't. What's nice about boxed pectin is it takes any guess workout. Don't feel like you're cheating. You're not. You're doing it so you have no question of how it's going to turn out and especially if you're just beginning or you want to do it quickly, this is the way to go. So, what I have here are my sterilized jars and turning them over and I always have a few extra too and then, what I'm going to do is use funnel just to keep it as clean as I can, a good ladle and I like to put 'em on a tray just so I can keep it, hopefully but the idea is hopefully a little cleaner here. So, what I'm going to do is have 'em over here and at first, remember, when jam is hot like this, it looks very liquidy but when it cools is when it gets that perfect viscosity. So, I'm going to start doing is pour this in, leaving my right amount of head space at the top and you can see there's little bit of texture in this. That's what I love and then once they're full, we're going to put the lids and rings on and we're just going to seal them. When you're all done, you always want to before you put the lids and rings on. Take a little bit of clean paper towel, hot water, and wipe off the rim to make sure there's no residue from the jam or drips that could cause a bad seal. Now, if you don't want to seal these, you can put this in containers and put it into the freezer. It can freeze. That's fine. Let it thaw in the fridge overnight when you want to use it. You can put it in the fridge. It won't last as long in the fridge. A freezer will keep it probably three to 4 months. Three to 4 weeks. So, what I do is have my ready lid. Never reuse your lids. Always get new ones but my jars are reused. My rings are reused which is why you see some marks on them and you tighten it to fingertip tightness and you're good to go. So, now what we can do is take this right over to our awaiting water bath that is hot and boiling. Now, this is why I put it on a tray also. I can just pick this up and take it with me which to me works very nicely. I'm going to set it right here. I have this boiling. There is a rack in the bottom. You can buy canners that are ready to go or you can make your own if you have the proper rack. So, I'm going to do is make sure I put jars in that they're covered by water by at least an inch which I know they will be and then they just have to have a quick water bath. It's very short and then they're going to seal and that's all there is to this. I'm taking them out of the water bath and you're hearing little pings as I'm doing it. Do you know what that is? That's the sealing. That's how quick these are. You know, the high sugar makes them really safe and easy to can and then they seal so quickly which is that little ping is the best sound. Music to a canner's ears. You're going to hear that time and again if you watch anyone canning and it really is. My grandma would say it every time she can. What you can tell if you haven't can before is they have a little push top. You don't want to push them when they come out. You want to let them sit on their own, cool down on their own, 12 to twenty-four hours but you'll notice it inverts when that final air gets sucked out and it's vacuum sealed and that's when you hear the ping and you see that little bump into center go down. You don't want to touch em yet but then after about 12 hours, you can go, oh, did you hear that? After about 12 hours, you can go through and just make sure by hitting them If one doesn't seal, put it in the fridge, use it. That's all. There's another one. I can't time this stuff perfectly. So, what I happen to have is one jar open and I want to show you. Look at that beautiful texture. So, it has a little bit of the berry texture in it but it also just perfectly spreadable and beautiful and that's what box pectin will do. Now, if you're like, what do I do with all the jam? Okay. Best friends are going to be coming for you because it's going to be the best gift ever. This is great also on any yogurt, oatmeal in jam bars. Go to my website, take one of my jam bar recipes, use blueberries instead. And use this jam. There are so many things Ice cream? Jam is so good. You know what? Yes, there's a lot of sugar. It's sweet. We use it every so often and enjoy it 'cuz the thing is, it traps in the essence of flavor from summer, hopefully from ripe berries that you're either picking or getting a farmer's market and then, you're able to open it in the winter. If you live in Iowa like I do, when it's cold, when it's snowing and remind yourself what's coming. So, what I hope you do with this, I hope you feel comfortable canning. I hope you feel confident canning because that's what all this is about. If I can teach one person to do this, my work is done. Letting me know through your messages, your emails, your comments on the website one of these recipes makes me so excited and happy every time I see them. So thank you for that. Share this video around so other people can feel confident too. Check my website for more recipes, more jam recipes, and ways to use them. Till next time. Enjoy.
Blueberry Jam Recipe (Pectin Method + How to Can) | PRINT the recipe: This super fresh blueberry jam is the perfect recipe to use up extra blueberries when they're... | By Wyse Guide | Have you made jam yet? If not, this blueberry jam is going to take you through every step so you feel confident and comfortable to can jam just like I do here. It's going to be the perfect consistency because we're using pectin so it is fail proof and it's absolutely delicious so let's make some. The best way to preserve a fruit is jam and jam is one of the easiest things you can can if you want to be shelf stable. So, we're making blueberry jam today because I happen to pick some beautiful local organic blueberries and I want to make jam. I love to give it as gifts
3.3K views · 10K reactions | Roasted tomato sauce !🍅🥫 __________________________ I’m maria, an ER nurse and mom of 2 trying to create a wholesome, intentional life for my family. I love saving money as much as I hate wearing shoes 🤣 If you want to learn more about grocery hacking, DIYing, outdoor adventures, gardening, cooking, canning and more, follow @barefootmommy ! 🔆 __________________________ . . . ✨✨✨ #momlife #plantmom #healthyrecipes #lunchideas #groceryhacking #budgetmeals #bethlehempa #lehighvalleypa #homecanning #minimalisthome #leftoverrecipes #dumpdinners #mealprepforfamilies #pressurecanning #leftovermakeover #weeknightmeals #healthyliving #budget #makeleftoversgreatagain #cookingwithkids #minimalismandmotherhood #frugalmom #moneysavingtips #zerowaste | MARIA🔆cheap cooking • canning • gardening • homeschooling | barefootmommy · Original audio
3.3K views · 10K reactions | Roasted tomato sauce !🍅🥫 __________________________ I’m maria, an ER nurse and mom of 2 trying to create a wholesome, intentional life for my family. I love saving money as much as I hate wearing shoes 🤣 If you want to learn more about grocery hacking, DIYing, outdoor adventures, gardening, cooking, canning and more, follow @barefootmommy ! 🔆 __________________________ . . . ✨✨✨ #momlife #plantmom #healthyrecipes #lunchideas #groceryhacking #budgetmeals #bethlehempa #lehighvalleypa #homecanning #minimalisthome #leftoverrecipes #dumpdinners #mealprepforfamilies #pressurecanning #leftovermakeover #weeknightmeals #healthyliving #budget #makeleftoversgreatagain #cookingwithkids #minimalismandmotherhood #frugalmom #moneysavingtips #zerowaste | MARIA🔆cheap c
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