Art maquillage des yeux

12 Pins
Four Things a Makeup Artist Can (And Can’t) Do – Eye Shape Chart
Do you want to make those wrinkles go away? Or maybe you want a different face shape. It's a fact that makeup is really powerful, but there are just some things makeup can't change. However, for everything it can't change, it also offers a solution. A great makeup artist can work on contour and highlights, finding the perfect shades for you and even the right texture of makeup to ease off those wrinkles. Learn on this post what a makeup artist can – and can't – do for you. #makeup #makeuptips
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✨ Preparamos um curso para você onde contém técnicas e segredos da maquiadora Andreia Venturini! Esse curso está mudando a vida de muitas mulheres que conquistaram sua liberdade financeira ❤️ LINK NA FOTO #cursodemaquiagemonlinevaleapena #cursodemaquiagemonlinemedium #ANDREIAVENTURINI #DELINEADOGATINHO #CURSODEMAQUIAGEMCOMCERTIFICADO #MAQUIAGEMCOLORIDA #MAQUIAGEMNEON #cursodemaquiagemprofissional /***/ Imagens meramente Ilustrativas, *todo os direitos da imagem reservado os respectivos donos.
Gorgeous Eye Makeup Tutorials!
Easy and awesome eye makeup tutorials! #makeup #makeuptutorials #makeuptips #eyemakeup #eyemakeuptutorials #beauty #beautytips By: @Fruzans_beauty
COOSA Glitter Liquid Eyeliner #Eyeshadow Metals Shimmer Eyeliners Long Lasting Waterproof Sparkling