Aging Gracefully

Resources for Seniors, or those caring for the elderly
34 Pins
How to Have Joy in Your Golden Years Despite These 10 Life Losses
How to Have Joy in Your Golden Years Despite These 10 Life Losses
A Caregiver's Prayer
A Caregiver's Prayer
"Mourning & Dancing" Card Set
In our moments of greatest joy and deepest grief, ordinary objects can gain extraordinary significance. These cards were created using an early photographic pro
5 Tips for Caregivers - PositiveMed
Five Tips for Caregivers: reducing caregiver stress is essential for quality dementia care.
Microsoft Office 2016 Product Key Free for You
Senior safety is an important topic, and living independently for seniors holds many risks. To be both safe and independent, a senior’s home must be modified as they age to allow them to live out their days in their own home safely and happily. These 10 must-haves for senior safety will help you to ensure your loved one’s home is safe for them to live in, even as they get older.
Home Care Assistance & Elderly Caregivers | Caring Senior Service
Check these key areas in the home for improvements to help your elderly loved ones live more comfortable in their home. #homesafety #seniors
How to tell if your aging parents or loved ones are ready for senior care.