glass case sewing box kit

7 Pins
DIY Cardboard Box Play Sewing Machine
DIY Cardboard Box Play Sewing Machine from @Cassie G G G G May - Little Red Window Crafts, DIY, Printables & Recipes | DIY Kids Crafts | Imaginary Play Ideas
DIY Cardboard Box Play Sewing Machine
DIY Cardboard Box Play Sewing Machine | | Great tutorial for an adorable play sewing machine made out of an old box!
Pattern for Sewing Machine Thread Catcher and Pincushion - Bing
Image result for Pattern for Sewing Machine Thread Catcher and Pincushion
Framed Peg Board & Spool Organization — LifeCreated
I know you don't particularly care for peg board but ... you could paint it the same color as your wall so it would blend in. Then you could either use wood dowels like they did, or the metal single prong hooks made for peg board. Framed Peg Board & Spool Organization » LifeCreated