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Toda la información detallada sobre la Flora Vascular | - Especie: Marrubium supinum | BioScripts.net
Euphorbia ‘Blue Haze’ at Digging Dog Nursery
This choice Euphorbia hybrid between nicaeensis and seguieriana ssp
Achillea Peachy Seduction - 3
Achillea Peachy Seduction (Yarrow) is a gardener’s favorite for its compact form and extended bloom period. Its elegant clusters of peach-colored flowers bring charm to the midsummer garden. This outstanding compact perennial is perfect for garden beds or containers, with large peach to rose-pink flower clusters that rise above fragrant, feathery foliage.
This is the best way to make a pampas grass wreath for Christmas – according to a dried flower expert
7 keer mooie winterharde planten voor bloembakken - Tijd voor je tuin
7 keer mooie winterharde planten voor bloembakken - Tijd voor je tuin
Dwarf Calamint, Calamintha nepeta ssp. nepta: has arching spays of pale mauve-blue flowers. The foliage of this plant has a slight minty fragrance. Full sun or light shade. It tolerates average, dry and moist growing conditions and is suitable for normal, sandy or clay soils. Bees love it! Height: 20-30 cm, Spread 30-45 cm Hardy USDA Zones 4-9.