Museum Cake Day - Edible Archaeology

June the 19th has been declared Museum Cake Day, a theme started by Culture Themes, which encourages Museums to share their images of cake: cake in art, cake as art, cakes used for museum party cake, or anything else just as long as it involves cake. Our cake is based on a rare and beautiful gold Anglo-Saxon pendant on display in our Saxon gallery.
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Gold pendant that our cake is modelled on. It is a thin gold disc decorated with applied gold filigree with a basic cross motif. It is inlaid with five cabochon garnets, one at the centre of the cross motif and four smaller ones set between the arms of the cross. It has a beaded rim which is partly missing on the bottom left-hand side. It dates to the late 7th and early 8th century.
Laura Kerry – creator of this fantastic Museum Cake Day cake!
Curator Amanda Hart holding the cake next to our Anglo-Saxon display case.
Close-up of Corinium Museum cake based on a rare and beautiful gold Anglo-Saxon pendant on display in our Saxon gallery.