Frankincense & Myrrh

Essential Oils
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5 Essential Oils for Headaches and Migraines
Essential oils can do for great migraine remedies. Relieve headaches by using essential oils, just breathe them in and get rid of stress. #headache #migraine #aromatherapy
Intention Setting Ritual For Manifesting - Intentions are the blueprint to the aligned action that you will be called to take in order to experience your desired manifestations. The magic comes in when we begin to consciously set intentions from an aligned perspective and energy space, being a deliberate creator and deliberately receiving. Here's what you need to do. #IntentionSetting #Ritual #Manifesting
Chakra And Planets | 7 Chakras And Their Corresponding Planets Chart
Have you ever looked up to the sky and thought, what is really out there? In astrology, it is believed that every planet reflects a particular set of attributes and characteristics, and rules a specific aspect of our lives. The same theory applies to 7 major chakras in our system - each chakra rules a different aspect of our personality and consciousness. In this article, we are going to try to find a link between the attributes of the planets in the Solar System and our chakras.