Divorce With Kids

Divorce can be hard on your children, so we are sharing some: quotes, tips, and advice for parents going through divorce or separation. #kidsanddivorce #singlemom #singleparent #coparenting #divorcetips
481 Pins
What if You are Divorced and Your Co-Parent Can’t Care for Your Kids? | Elise Buie Family Law Group
SEATTLE, WA - The expression “in sickness and in health” is common in wedding ceremonies of all faiths. So when most people recite these words, it is probably safe to assume that they envision themselves married at a time when the unthinkable may occur. #divorcedmomseattle #divorceddadseattle #singleparentseattle #coparentingstruggles #highconflictcoparenting #seattledivorceattorney #seattlechildcustody #coparentingnightmare
Gathering For The Holidays? Here's How Different Families Are Handling It. | Elise Buie Family Law G
SEATTLE, WA - From rapid COVID test requirements to dinner inside with unvaccinated relatives, here's what our readers say they're doing for the holidays this year. #seattleholidays #holidaystressmanagement #makingholidayswork #blendedfamilyholidays #seattlefamilylaw
Will COVID-19 Affect the Family Dynamic Long-Term? | Elise Buie Family Law Group
SEATTLE, WA - Indeed, the pandemic has alerted us to a problem. Now, it’s up to us what we’re going to do about it. But before we look forward, let’s take a moment to look back. #SeattleFamilies #FamiliesWithKids #SeattleMoms #SeattleDads
How to Survive Your Child's College Move-In Day As a Divorced Parent | Elise Buie Family Law Group
SEATTLE, WA - College move-in day is a milestone, the beginning of a new chapter for parents and their children. For families who’ve had to navigate divorce, this transition can, in particular, be emotionally fraught. Insecurity and uncertainty are typical for the college-bound child as much as for their divorced parent(s). #divorcedparentlife #Seattleparents #Seattlemoms #Seattledads #navigatingdivorce
How Technology Can Help You Be a Better Co-Parent/Parent Team
SEATTLE, WA - In the wake of divorce or separation, co-parenting can feel stressful. Not only have you just gone through an emotional experience, but you are also now trying to figure out how both you and your co-parent can spend time with your children independently while keeping the focus on them. #seattleparents #seattlemoms #seattledads #seattlefamilies #pcoparenting #coparentingapp #parentingtools #techsavvyparents #raisingkidsinseattle
How to Navigate Holiday Challenges for Children and Young Adults of Divorce | Elise Buie Family Law
SEATTLE, WA - Holidays with family can be stressful no matter what the circumstances. They are especially challenging for children with multiple family units due to their parents remarrying and creating new, blended families. #SeattleDivorceSupport #SeattleFamilies #DivorceTips #BlendedFamilyHolidays #SeattleFamilyLaw
Co-Parenting Survival Tips for Divorced Parents | Elise Buie Family Law Group
SEATTLE, WA - Summer scheduling solutions for divorced or separated families #coparenting #divorcedparents #singleparents #blendedfamily #parentingtips #seattleparents
7 Behaviors Parents Should Look Out for in Children During Divorce | Elise Buie Family Law Group
SEATTLE, WA - Below are seven behaviors your children may display during your divorce that you should look out for. #divorce #parenting #seattle #seattleparents #washingtonparents #familylaw #singleparent #coparenting
Mastering Long-Distance Co-Parenting: 7 Essential Tips for Non-Residential Parents
SEATTLE, WA - Co-parenting after divorce is challenging enough when children move between households in the same town or city, let alone when long distance becomes a potential inhibiting factor. If you are a non-residential parent living in Washington state who is facing co-parenting long-distance. #longdistancecoparenting #coparentingtips #singleparentlife #strongertogether #raisingkidsapart #seattleparents #seattledivorce #seattlechildcustody
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SEATTLE, WA - Divorce can be a very stressful event for you and your family. Whether because of having to move to a new home, disputes over parenting time, or the emotional impact of divorce in general, you and your teen are likely to encounter stressors that test your relationship. #SeattleStrongFamilies #SeattleParentHelp #PostDivorceParentingWA #HealthyPostDivorceFamily #HealingAfterDivorce #SeattleParentsSupport
How to Survive Your Child's College Move-In Day As a Divorced Parent | Elise Buie Family Law Group
SEATTLE, WA - College move-in day is a milestone, the beginning of a new chapter for parents and their children. For families who’ve had to navigate divorce, this transition can, in particular, be emotionally fraught. Insecurity and uncertainty are typical for the college-bound child as much as for their divorced parent(s). #divorcedparentlife #Seattleparents #Seattlemoms #Seattledads #navigatingdivorce
4 Ways to Show That You Love Your Kids More Than You Hate Your Ex | Elise Buie Family Law Group
SEATTLE, WA - Effective co-parenting during and after divorce is the ultimate act of love you can show for your children. The unfortunate reality for many divorced parents, and even more regrettable for their children, is that divorced parents don’t often fully commit to the process, despite saying they will. #seattlemom #seattledad #singleparentlife #raisingstrongkids #seattleparents #singleparentsupport #positiveparenting #movingon #divorcelife #coparenting #blendedfamily
How to Establish Paternity and Parentage in Washington State
SEATTLE, WA - Establishing paternity and parentage is important for many families and parents. Regardless of why you want to establish paternity and parentage, the process has the potential to be confusing, especially if you are unfamiliar with the terms and rules for establishment. #seattlepaternity #seattlefamilyrights #seattledivorce #seattlelaw #washingtonstatelaw
A Christmas Story — Mine | Elise Buie Family Law Group
SEATTLE, WA - In all seriousness, what I’m even more thankful for is that my kids got most of what they wanted for Christmas from my ex and me. The same went for my second husband’s kids. And it wasn’t because we went on a shopping spree to fill their wishlist to Santa. What we gave them didn’t cost a dime. And that was the gift of choice. #seattledivorce #seattleholidays #survivingdivorce #SeattleFamilyLaw #singleseattle #holidayblues #postdivorcelife #rebuildinglife
The Top 7 Skills to Rock Single Parenting | Elise Buie Family Law Group
SEATTLE, WA - Given how intent you are on raising your children to grow up to be happy, successful, empathetic adults (otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this article), this reality may scare you. You may not feel prepared for the job just yet or up to it at all. Not to worry, I got you. #singleparentlife #seattlemom #seattledad #seattleparents #singleparentresources #raisingkidsseattle #seattleparenting #seattledivorcedparents