642 Pins
Greenwich CT, Waterfront by Matt McKay - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Greenwich CT, Waterfront by Matt McKay - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Greenwich CT, Waterfront by Matt McKay - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Greenwich CT, Waterfront by Matt McKay - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Kitchen | Penthouse One Kitchen by Lawless & Meyerson | est living
Kitchen | Penthouse One Kitchen by Lawless & Meyerson | Est Living | Interiors, Architecture, Designers & Products
Mörkt träkök i den arkitektritade villan — Nordiska Kök
Minimalistiskt träkök i den arkitektritade villan. I den arkitektritade villan av Mattias Gabrièl har vi designat ett tidlöst träkök i mörk ek. Kökets minimalistiska design och de genomgående materialen som trä och betong harmonierar med husets övergripande arkitektur. Varje detalj är noggrant utvald för att skapa en sammanhängande och stilren helhet som går i linje med kökets sobra färgpalett.
Waka Huia | Pac Studio : Architecture, Interior Design & Spatial Strategy
Waka Huia | Pac Studio : Architecture, Interior Design & Spatial Strategy
Waka Huia | Pac Studio : Architecture, Interior Design & Spatial Strategy
Waka Huia | Pac Studio : Architecture, Interior Design & Spatial Strategy
Waka Huia | Pac Studio : Architecture, Interior Design & Spatial Strategy
Waka Huia | Pac Studio : Architecture, Interior Design & Spatial Strategy
Garden House by McCluskey Studio - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Garden House by McCluskey Studio - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Garden House by McCluskey Studio - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Garden House by McCluskey Studio - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Garden House by McCluskey Studio - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Garden House by McCluskey Studio - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Angle Grinder by Frazerhurst Architects - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Angle Grinder by Frazerhurst Architects - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Sandy Shades Residence by Naz Design - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project
Sandy Shades Residence by Naz Design - Project Feature - The Local Project - The Local Project