Personal Development

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People are developed the same way gold is mined. When gold is mined several tons of dirt must be removed to get an ounce of gold. But one doesn't go into the mine looking for goes into the mine looking for gold.
Prove people wrong! Show them that the limitations they have placed on themselves are not imposed on you. - Don't be afraid to go light years ahead of everyone else. You were placed on this earth to do something great. - Work harder. Sacrifice more. And I promise the rewards will come.
Don't laugh at me my enemies. Although I've fallen I will get up. Although I sit in the dark the Lord is my light. Micah 7:8
Why do some people succeed in life and others live lives of mediocrity? Why do some people lose unwanted weight and others learn to live with it? Why do some marriages fail when turbulences hits and others grow stronger? - I believe the difference is our mentality in which we approach things. If we want to be successful we might. If we want to lose excess weight we may (temporarily). If we "want" our marriages to endure - its possible. - You see when we approach things in life with a want to attitude its unlikely we will get the results we are truly after. However if we approach things with a have to attitude the game changes. - If you HAVE to succeed you will. Why? Because when you HAVE TO you do whatever it takes. You sleep less. You dont take a breath without thinking about achieving the life you know you deserve to live. If you HAVE to lose weight or you will die guess what? Youll find a way to lose the weight. Youll make the sacrifices necessary in order to live. If you HAVE to work on your marriage or else it will end. Guess what? You will make the effort to have a lasting relationship. - The problem is too many of us WANT things but we dont HAVE to have them. Our mind thoroughly understands this difference as well. Because youd be surprised at how powerful disciplined focused and unrelenting you become when you turn your want to haves into have to haves.
Probably the greatest quote I've ever committed to memory is this: "Sometimes we have to trust in advance what will only make sense in reverse."
No. Don't give up hope just yet. It's the last thing to go. When you have lost hope you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost when all is dire and bleak there is always hope.
Love this little boy so much @tristan.mcgilvrey
Answer these questions to yourself: - 1. What makes you unique? - 2. What can you do better than anybody else you know? - 3. What is your purpose? - The last question is key. Why? Because your purpose is whatever you say it is.
Every day you should be in pursuit of bettering yourself. Because if you're not getting better you're getting worse. If you're not moving forward you're losing ground.
Love the encouragement & inspiration from @badass_business_women. Follow her please @Badass_Business_Women @Badass_Business_Women @Badass_Business_Women
One of the great things about life is there's always an opportunity to succeed. We just have to learn to find it.
The best lessons we learn from life come from the experience we've gained while forging forward.
Stop waiting for success to come to you. Stop wondering why things are so difficult. Stop giving up so easily. - Start giving everything you do your all. Start learning to endure temporary discomfort. Start believing that you deserve everything you've ever dreamed of.
We are all faced with a series of great opportunities beautifully disguise as impossible situations.