
344 Pins
12 Sections
Make It Do or Do Without: 1940s Ration Recipes
Make It Do or Do Without: 1940s Ration Recipes - Retro Housewife Goes Green
The Fascinating History of the Victory Garden and How to Create One Today
The Fascinating History of the Victory Garden and How to Create One Today
Victory Gardens: Making a Comeback in Modern Times
Victory Garden with a modern twist. Learn design & plan tips on how to grow a victory garden. We share some really cool vintage history posters during world war I
How to Deep Clean Kitchen Towels: Its Astounding How Gross They Are - Swallow's Nest Homestead
Are your kitchen towels really clean? I mean REALLY clean? Deep cleaning your kitchen towels is a must on the homestead. Excess detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets contribute to buildup on towels, not to mention the kitchen stuff! Wiping up spills and grease only add to the dinginess. I can teach you how to get rid of all that stuff!
7 Plants that can be used as Soap!
Go for an environmentally friendly approach for cleaning your home and body! Here is the list of Plants that Can be Used as Soap!