Arts & Crafts

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Triangle Crafts Collection
This triangle crafts collection has been updated so that it's even bigger and better...with even more totally adorable crafts. This genius kids' craft guide from "In the Bag Kids' Crafts" teaches you how to make 56 easy (and TOTALLY ADORABLE) crafts that each start out with a simple shape...the triangle. Each one starts as a popsicle stick triangle frame, and then imagination takes over. You'll be amazed where this basic shape will take you. And we make it easy to create memories with your kids
Beaded Pipe Cleaner People
These beaded pipe cleaner people are SO CUTE and they're really simple to make! With pipe cleaners, pony beads and drinking straws, you can make a realistic looking person with arms and legs that bend and flex. This is such a fun kids craft and a great low mess activity to try with the kids!
Snake Finger Puppet Craft
Color and cut out the snake. Cut on the dotted line on both side of the snake's neck. Glue the gray sections and tuck under the snake's head. Fold down both flaps from behind the snake's head to create a ring. Visit our store for more animal related resources:
Build a Dinosaur Playdough Activity Cards
Build a Dinosaur Playdough Activity Cards by Gigi Smith | Teachers Pay Teachers
Tide Pool Ecosystems - Interactive Cut and Paste Activity - Grade Pre K - 2
This nice and easy Tide Pool cut and paste activity is perfect for that afternoon when you need a relevant tangible activity to do with the students. This is perfect to supplement your study on Tide Pools or the Rocky Shore Science Program. Included is a pdf version of the image you see in the thumbnail.