Star Trek Costume

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Women of Star Trek the Tv series. Actres: Susan Oliver who play "Vina" for - Star Trek: The Original Series" (1966-1969): Vina technically was not an Orion slave girl, but instead an illusion created by the Talosians to lure Captain Pike into mating with her. Still an iconic image from the pilot "The Cage," (and later used in "The Menagerie" two- part episode).
Tutorial: Trill Face Paint
Trill makeup tutorial. This chick also does a Talaxian/Neelix tutorial. Sweet as hell.
Picture of Terry Farrell
Terry Farrell - If I ever got crazy enough to get another tattoo, I'd get all the trill spots just like hers....head to toe :)
I’ve Figured Out Who I’d Like to Cosplay
Jadzia Dax Original Uniform
Terry Farrell Photo: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Terry Farrell Star Trek - Bing Images
Jadzia Dax (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) and yes, her spots go all the way down! bwahaha!
TV Acres
Terry Farrell as Jadzia Dax from Star Trek DS9. (In my opinion the one TRUE Dax)
The Bat'leth as an Anti-Zombie Weapon
Jadzia Dax - Bat`leth
Jadzia Dax - trill spots samples and ideas
Star Trek: The Original Series Photo: Rare Star Trek Photos
Rare Star Trek Photos - star-trek-the-original-series Photo
Star Trek: The Next Generation characters in Original Series costume
Dr Beverly Crusher - Gates McFadden - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Nudity and Nerdery
I think I'm Data.... You look like Data's daughter Lal, after academy graduation!