Coupon organizers.

13 Pins
DIY coupon/money holder...
So I have one of these to hold my coupons (this picture is of my hubby's though because he has managed to keep his nice for 2 years...). Pr...
DIY coupon/money holder...
Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles: DIY coupon/money holder...
DIY coupon/money holder...
Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles: DIY coupon/money holder...
DIY coupon/money holder...
Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles: DIY coupon/money holder...
DIY coupon/money holder...
Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles: DIY coupon/money holder...
DIY coupon/money holder...
Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles: DIY coupon/money holder...
DIY coupon/money holder...
Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles: DIY coupon/money holder...
DIY coupon/money holder...
Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles: DIY coupon/money holder...
DIY coupon/money holder...
Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles: DIY coupon/money holder...
DIY coupon/money holder...
Christ, Coffee and Knitting Needles: DIY coupon/money holder...
DIY coupon/money holder...