Battery candles

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Grunging candles
I just wanted to share with you my grunging process. I started out with a white pillar candle I got at a garage sale for 50 cents. I put ...
how to make grubby candles – AJ's Trash2Treasure BLOG
how to make grubby candles | AJ's Trash2Treasure BLOG
Primitive Grungy Candles | Amazing primitive grungy candles you can make using Mod Podge and cinnamon | By The Silver Farmhouse | Hey everyone. it's Lisa from the silver farmhouse. I'm coming to you with a great prerecorded video guys wait until you see how I grunge up some candles and what you can do to make them as a great gift. So guys here are my candles that I grunge up guys. They came out amazing. When you look at the grunge. this one still needs a little bit longer to dry. I did this one this morning um but when you look at the grunge on these candles. When you look at the grunge, I am amazed at how well this turned out this one right here is the dollar tree wax candle that you buy for a dollar and what I did is I carved out a hole. This is the dollar tree tea light in case I grunge up the tea light too, so they could change the battery. you can insert the tea light. This is a very inexpensive way to make a battery operated candle guys. It cost a dollar fifty for the candle and the tea light cuz you get two. A dollar from the dollar tree, the candle is a dollar from the dollar tree. The battery operated one I picked up at home goods, a lot of people sell these guys. I like this one um for the primitive one. It's got like the little the little. It's a flickering bulb, but it's a it's a little silicone bulb in there and this came from home goods. It's just a battery operated candle cuz these are so amazing. Let me show you and I'm gonna show you how you can make them as a gift at the end, guys. they make great gifts great gifts so uh. I started this video and it shut off on me so uh what you're gonna wanna do is you're gonna take your tea light and place it on top of your wax candle. You wanna take all the stickers off and cut the Wick off. Okay. You're gonna place your tea light down. then you're gonna get a pencil and you are gonna trace a line with your pencil dig and groove. It's gonna groove a line around for you right around your entire tea light. so you're gonna take your pencil and you're just gonna groove right around your tea light. This is what you will end up with once you groove with your pencil. You have a groove mark. Take your pencil and then make your groove a little bit deeper so that you have a good start on where you need to Chisel out the center of your candle. So I'm just taking a pencil and I'm running it back around the line just to give myself a little bit deeper of a groove. Don't worry if you hit an edge or the Mod podge and cinnamon that we're using covers it and then guys you're gonna take. I did have I did have a flat head screwdriver and I don't know what I did with it, but a flat head screwdriver or a little Philips head screwdriver works and you stick it in and just start digging out the center of your candle. The flat head screwdriver works better and I don't know where it went or what I did with it. I thought I had it here, but I guess I got a little Philips head one. so I'm just pushing it in and digging chunks out. Do you see? I'm just digging chunks out. I'm digging chunks. I'm following my I'm following my little uh like I said, Don't worry if you happen to take your screwdriver and do a little indent. You're never even gonna notice it. but that's why I think a flat head screwdriver works better than a Philips, but I don't have one here right now. so I'm just pushing it in and I'm digging out the chunks of my candle. If you could see we're starting to form a little hole here and you're just gonna keep going around and around. you're gonna have to make your hole a little bit deep, you're gonna have. And it's gotta be a little bit deep so just keep picking out your candle until you get the size hole that you're looking for. I wish I had my flat head screwdriver flat heads work better than Philips guys flat heads work better than Philips, but I grab the Philips instead of a flat head. so we're gonna go with what we got here and I'm just still digging guys. It's gonna take you a little while to dig out the center and I'm gonna tell you my kids have this. Little spoons Now they don't really use them anymore cuz they're kinda in adult spoons now, so this also works good. Once you start your whole to kinda go around the edges and rounded out Oops rounded out with a spoon, but this is why I'm doing it over the garbage can because you need to do it over a garbage. Can I will tell you that much because you will make a huge mess out of your house. Uh if you don't do it over a garbage can so you need to dig out your candle and my cat knows I'm live or recording a video because she's back. she's back in here. so I'm still digging you see. I'm digging a deep enough hole. What you do is take your tea light and place it in see. I'm not even close guys. I'm not even close to where we need to be, but you're just gonna do that all the way around. just keep chiseling out your candle guys. keep chiseling. It out if you're using the battery operated candle, you don't need to do this. just if you're using the wax one with the tea light you need to do this. And it takes a little bit it. I'm not gonna say it doesn't cuz it does, but just keep chiseling keep chiseling away and you're gonna go down until your tea lights. It's flush you wanted to sit flush. Do you see how my sit and flush with the candle? That's where you want your tea light to be. I don't wanna spend a half hour here. I'm digging a hole here so you guys can see just keep going with your spoon with your flat head screwdriver and you will now have it. Spoon If you don't already, you will now have a crafting spoon. I like the spoon um because you can give it a nice. a nice like a flat edge in there. it's nice and flat. It's not like all bumpy but you're gonna keep doing this until you keep testing out your candle until you get it flush. I still have a little bit ways to go until you get it sitting flush with your candle. once you get your candle sitting flush then. You're gonna take it out and spray paint it now use a dark brown spray paint. I use the rustle two times espresso satin espresso. That's what I like to use for my dark, brown and spray your candle inside out. I didn't do the bottom. I just did the sides in the inside and if you're using the battery operated candle, do the same thing but put a piece of masking tape around your candle. I did get a little spray paint on the tip, but it's okay. It looks good when it's lit but spray paint your entire candle. You don't have to do the bottoms and it only took one coat. It took me one coat to coat them up and then guys. here's how you make your grunge. A fact you need cinnamon by the cheap brand I didn't get to the dollar Tree Dollar tree has cinnamon my followers are telling me so by the cheap brand I didn't get to buy a cheap brand. yet this is what I have at home because we use a lot of cinnamon my kids like cinnamon on their toast and so I still have my McCormick here, but I'm going to the dollar tree to look for the cheaper the cheaper brand. Okay. So you're gonna take your candle. Once the spray paint is dry. You're gonna take Mod podge Mod podge. I'm using. The matte finish Mod podge you can use whatever kind of finish you want. this is my cinnamon Mod podge that I keep dipping my paint brush too cuz it has all cinnamon in it. So if you're gonna use Mod podge dump it in a bowl and use it that way. but I already have this one started with cinnamon that I just keep dipping my brush in so what you're gonna wanna do is take a paintbrush. I'm using a nice wide paintbrush guys. a nice wide one and I'm just gonna coat, which is very hard right now because this is the paintbrush I've been using with the. With the Mod podge, you're gonna coat, I did a piece of my candle at a time like see. I'm only doing this far on the candle right now. So then you're gonna take it and you're going to take your cinnamon guys. You need a heavy coat of cinnamon. I got my bowl here to catch my drippings here with my cinnamon. You're gonna need a really heavy coat of cinnamon on this heavy coat of cinnamon and I will show you how heavy I'm putting my cinnamon on guys. It's a good. Heaping heaping coat of cinnamon, then take more Mod podge on your brush and what you're gonna do is you're not really gonna paint it. You're gonna kinda dab it and you could see it's gonna make you this is what you want. you wanna kinda make a paste. It's gonna end up starting to make a paste and that's what you want. I'm getting it all over my table. I should have put a piece of foil down um you want it to be a paste. so this is what I'm doing. I'm just grabbing it and it's it's a. Up on my brush, which is okay, just keep making yourself up like a paste on there and you notice. I'm padding. I'm padding my Mod podge onto my cinnamon. I'm not painting it. I'm kinda just padding it. That's why I said, put your Mod podge in a bowl because I'm getting cinnamon on my Mod podge, but that's okay. This is the one I'm using for my cinnamon. so I'm kinda making like a clumpy paste. If you could see, it's like a clumpy. It's a clumpy paste okay and now take another layer of cinnamon. It doesn't have to be as thick this time, Sprinkle some more cinnamon. On and do the same thing guys the same thing you see what I did. I sprinkle cinnamon and I'm gonna do the same thing. I'm gonna get more Mod podge and I'm gonna make a paste just keep going till you get nice big. you get like little peaks forming and everything guys. this works so good so good. It may not look good when it's drying but believe me once it's dry. It looks amazing. So I'm just. It padding it on there and you will see it's got like I don't know if you could see but it's got like little kind of peaks and bubbles and grungy and now I'm gonna flip over and I'm gonna go do the next the next section. We're gonna do and it's a little bit tricky to hold uh your candle and do this but I did it. I did it. I did it so alright we got a pod on there now. I'm gonna go heavy with my cinnamon. Heavy with my cinnamon and I have the catch full under here cuz I'll dump the stuff that's falling back into my jar. Okay, heavy with my cinnamon again getting my Mod podge on my paintbrush and guys. I'm doing the same thing. I'm just gonna start it it and making a paste with it. You want a good paste with it. Just start making a paste. And I'm loving I can't III am amazed at how well this turned out. I really am. I'm amazed guys. they come out so good just keep blonde. If you get chunks of cinnamon, just kinda peel them off and block them on there, peel them off your brush block them on there. the more bumpy it is. I think the better they look guys the better they look. so then I'm getting more cinnamon another coat of cinnamon on. The top A little bit on there a little bit of cinnamon on there again, sticking my brush in my Mod podge and I'm just gonna go back over and kinda clump it in there kinda clump it in you'll kinda know when you need more Mod podge on your brush because it'll start pulling the cinnamon up off of it and then just add a little bit more Mod podge to your brush and then just plu it on guys, clump it on and then now we got this little piece left We need to do yet and then I'll. You how I did the inside. So I'm putting some Mod podge, putting some Mod podge on. I'm gonna sprinkle a heavy coat of cinnamon your first coat. you want heavy the second one. you just need a little bit on there to kinda make it tasty. And then same thing just start dabbing dab dab dab. That's what it's all about. It's not brushing. it's dabbing. I don't know if this is the correct way to do this is the way I did it and it came out somebody said to use instant coffee in it too. But I did I chose not to use the instant coffee. I chose just to use the cinnamon. And then sprinkle more on the top a little bit of Mod podge and start making your paste. This. I got a little bare spot here. I need to cover with cinnamon guys. This works this I can't. I can't stress how well this works you see the candle. I showed it to you guys. this make great gifts. wait until you see how I made it a gift. I made it a gift and I will show you if. And here how I made it a gift. I'm gonna put a little bit more cinnamon over in here cuz I feel like it's missing some like I said. It's a little tricky to work with and use your and try to hold it but you could do it. You could do it a little bit more Mod podge just keep making a paste you don't want super watery paste cuz it'll drip off your candle. Then you want it to be a little thicker. so don't use an excessive amount of Mod podge, but just keep using Mod podge or. So we have the entire outside of the candle done. don't worry about how it looks it will dry beautiful. I promise it will dry beautiful so I have two bowls going on here so I'm gonna take this one out. I need something to set this in okay. So now we need to work on the inside guys. You're gonna do the same to the inside as you did with the outside. Add some Mod podge into the inside of the candle and on the rim inside and rim. It's a little tricky cuz you gotta try to hold your cable so I don't move and then. I'm doing a very light coat on the inside because your candle has to fit in there so you don't wanna do too heavy on the inside. nobody's gonna see it anyways. I just add a little bit and then I kinda went on the outside and then get your Mod podge. And just start making your paste start making your paste and I'm gonna tell you when you have to put the second coat on the rim. put it on your brush. So we're getting this. you don't even really have to do the inside of the candle. I just did it a little bit cuz you're not even gonna see it. I was more worried about the rim how the rim came out. So if to do your second coat on the rim, put it on your brush. Put it on your brush. Tap your cinnamon on the rim. Put more. On your brush, tap it on the rim guys. I am I'm so excited over this. then you need a little bit of Mod podge like I said. Put your Mod podge in a bowl um mine is my cinnamon Mod podge right now and guys just tap your Mod podge on the top of the rim. It's a messy project guys. I'm not gonna say it's not messy cuz it is messy but guys they come out amazing. I can't stress that enough. so do you see. We got we got like this little goofy hot mess here going on and I'm gonna tell you do the same if you're using the uh waxed battery operated candle. do the same exact thing that we just did to this one with the cinnamon uh do the same exact thing to the battery operated one and it will come out the same way. I'm just making sure my inside is good here. Okay and then you're just gonna set this probably gonna need overnight to dry um the entire day almost to dry because it is a lot of thick coats of Mod podge on there. So then let me show you I have something I can wipe my hands with here. Yeah. hang on one second guys. My hands have cinnamon all over them all over the okay. So let me show you now what you can do to create a beautiful. Little gift for someone guys beautiful little gift for someone. Okay. So this is one this is the battery operated guys. Will you look what I did well. You look what I did guys. This is a plate from the dollar tree. It's a great plate. I did hot glue the Spanish moss onto the plate cuz I plan on wrapping it in cellophane and I didn't want everything flying all over. I'll probably even get a piece of packing tape and tape the candle down to the dish. They could remove it when they're when they wanna place it out in their home because I just added some wheat looking stuff a few of the um the little. Berries The dollar tree has these guys they're a little berries on the ring Guys. I added a little hang tag and a piece of home spawn. I tied just a knot around the candle guys. This is a beautiful gift. I would love to receive this gift and let me show you the other one I did so I did the battery operated candle and I use the same stuff guys. I use the little wheat looking. I made a ring for this candle cuz it was a little bigger. I just took the berries wrap them in a ring and stuck it on and. I just tied a hang tag that says, Count your blessings on this candle with a little barn star in this barn star I got from hobby Lobby guys. That's the barn star. This plate is also from the dollar tree. It's a teal plate with a little bit of brown on the edge. guys. you will love this. They make great gifts. I hope you enjoyed watching this video. If you know somebody who would like to make one of these feel free to give it a sprinkle thanks for watching guys.