note to self

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Roy Lee Justice you're the only person I want to kiss I hate kissing normally I miss kissing you I love kissing you I miss you so much I can't wait to see you I love you Roy Lee Justice AKA Eminem Love coreyanne AKA Bonnie
I Don't Want To Be Your Sometimes - Love Quotes
Someone who knows what he wants, and knows that he wants us. Who isn’t too afraid to step forward, to reach for my hand, to claim me as his. I want to fall in love with someone who is passionate. Someone who won’t settle for only seeing me from ‘time to time’ or when he’s bored, but someone who will initiate plans as much as I will. Who won’t back out last minute. Who won’t just call when it’s late at night and he’s a few drinks in.-@_marisadonnelly (via @thoughtcatalog) #lovequotes
You didn't love her... you just didn't want to be alone or maybe maybe she was just good for your ego or or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life but you didn't love her because you don't destroy people you love
I thought this was what I wanted but when I got it I was terrified. Having someone mirror my effort showed me my dysfunction, it was so overwhelming. The effort that I put into relationships was unhealthy, I made a martyr of myself when partners did not meet my impossible standards. Now I don't want to be matched, I want to participate in relationships at a reasonable level and to allow the other person to do the same. Love is not transactional, I'm not going to Love you just to get Love bac...
I totally feel this way.. no freaking head games.. no bs.. if u want something show it.. reality.. not in wonderland.. if reality is real and reality is showing someone by actions or words that they dont want u.. i guess its time to step out of wonderland with them.. like seriously your action in reality say you dont WANT me.. but then here you confess love. What the frig. So to me it seems like im just a game to u.