
24 Pins
The ROCK Buffet
VERY cool lesson on how the 3 different types of rocks are formed! I wish I could pin the You Tube video with the chef demonstrating. Via: 2nd Grade Shenanigans: The ROCK Buffet
Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition!
weathering and erosion game - This is what we will be doing for wellness on the next sunny day we have!
Science Anchor Charts
An anchor chart like this one would help explain the differences between rapid and slow changes in the Earth.
Will a mountain last forever?
Weathering & Erosion Activity - free hands-on science activity for 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade elementary kids. Part of a complete unit on Rocks: Rock Cycle, Erosion, & Natural Hazards. Meets Common Core and NGSS.
Science Doodle - Changes to the EARTH Interactive Notebook Foldable - Notes
How to teach weathering, erosion, and deposition. FUN! Plus
Biomes Interactive VocAPPulary - Vocabulary App Activity
Biomes Interactive VocAPPulary™ This creative resource is a simple, yet effective way for students to learn vocabulary on a specific topic! Vocabulary words included in this set: biomes, climate, biosphere, permafrost, habitat, adaptation, deciduous forest, coniferous forest, savanna, tide pools, grasslands, kelp forest, tundra, meadow, woodland, floodplain
Weathering and Erosion Activity (Cootie Catcher Foldable Review Game)
Erosion Cootie Catchers/ Fortune Tellers: These cootie catchers are a great way for students to have fun while learning about erosion, and build their erosion vocabulary. These cootie catchers contain the following vocabulary terms on Erosion: Erosion, Wind erosion, Glacial erosion, Weathering, Mechanical weathering, Chemical weathering, Sediment, and RunoffThese Erosion cootie catchers come in color and black & white, and also come with a version where students can add their own definitio...
At the end of every 9 weeks, my class participates in a STEM activity that includes things we have been working on during that quarter. For...
Erosion vs Weathering ~ Awesome Science STEM Activities - The Natural Homeschool
Be sure and visit our "What is the Difference between Weathering and Erosion?" post after you read this "Erosion vs Weathering ~ Awesome Science STEM Activities" post because they go hand-in-hand.
weathering and erosion STEM Activity: Build a sandcastle - The First Grade Roundup
Sandcastle Erosion STEM Challenge - Firstgraderoundup