Architectural Ceramics

The collection of inspirational images for "Architectural Ceramics - Public Installation" class taught by Allison Newsome at Harvard Ceramics Program, OFA at Harvard University. In the tradition of Della Robbia, this class will create relief medallions, niches and other architecturally inspired forms. For more info visit
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Queen Elizabeth I meets Bird from The Lion King?
Fun scribbling with my new favorite colored pencil made by Koh-I-Noor multicolors called Hardtmuth Magic Czech #256 just one pencil made this collage image of some travels and sites!
Ceramic Mural at Cambridge Hospital
Ceramic Mural at Cambridge Hospital - YouTube
Manabigama wood-fired kiln at Eastern Shore Art Center, Fair Hope, AL One of many kilns built using Manabigama Pottery Center's kiln plans or building services.
My young musician on the architectural ceramic composition called for now: Kids Jam Session" comes bisque firing then Majolica glaze imitation technique of Della Robbia.
One of my kids reacting to the cacophony of sounds on the mural "Kids Jam Session"
needs some fine tuning then bisque fired then glaze in Majolica style of Della Robbia
Center bas-relief of my Kids Jam Session to be glazed in Majolica technique of Della Robbia
in progress bas-relief part of my Kids Jam Session mural to be next glazed in Majolica technique of Della Robbia
Bedini Custom Guitars | Ferrara
Wrought Iron Music Bench by Jim Glover...I want some of these for my yard!!!!!