
79 Pins
I’m dying my hair with Henna today. It’s the only way I dye my hair now. I refuse to put the harsh dyes in my hair since I discovered that henna is a natural dye that Improves the condition of your hair after you use it. This is my least favorite self-care chore. And I put it off as long as I can. I can get away with it since I wear hats daily. But today is the day I’m traveling to see my son and I need to look my best What do you think of my transformation? Have you ever used before? Le...
How to Color Your Hair with Henna
How to Color Your Hair with Henna - Henna is a natural way to color your hair. In fact, it is good for your hair!
Henné per capelli. Tutti i segreti dalla preparazione all'applicazione!
Henné per capelli. Tutti i segreti dalla preparazione all'applicazione!
FAQ teinture végétale & henné
Tout savoir sur la coloration végétale et le henné : temps de pose, fréquence, tenue, éclaircir, laquelle choisir… #henne #colorationvegetale