Rainforest theme

106 Pins
Rainforest Yoga
Rainforest themed yoga pose ideas. A great gross motor activity for kids. A fun rainforest themed activity. A great option for brain breaks or motor time. Use this activity all year long!
The Best Rainforest Books for Kids
Rainforest Books for Kids -- this selection is especially good for younger kids, focusing on the amazing plants and animals in the rainforests and not so much on destruction.
18 Amazing Rainforest Animals Books for Preschoolers
If you've got a child who loves animals or the rainforest, encourage them to learn about rainforest animals with this great collection of picture books. via @homeschlprek
Sensory Bin Activities: Feed Monkey Activities - $4.00 : File Folder Heaven - Printable, Hands-On Fun with File Folder Games
Camp Rainforest
Camp Rainforest is our project based learning digital print and play experience that will turn your little ones into conservation scientists with a mission of learning as much as they can about the beauty and wonder found in the Amazon Rainforest! End your camp with a special PBL celebration showcasing all of the incredible projects, science and sensory experiences and knowledge gained!
Jungle Ecosystems, Animals, Habitats, Food: STEM, Math, Reading, Writing, Lesson
Hello, thank you for viewing this product. ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: This is an all about the jungle and rainforest ecosystem unit teaching package that includes plants, animals, habitats, food chains and covers additional material across topics including (EPR) every person response, Interactive mini reading book, creative and opinion writing worksheets and printable, journal entries for observations and STEM experiments, simple Math activities and math counting games with multi sensory activity i
Camp Rainforest
Camp Rainforest is our project based learning digital print and play experience that will turn your little ones into conservation scientists with a mission of learning as much as they can about the beauty and wonder found in the Amazon Rainforest! End your camp with a special PBL celebration showcasing all of the incredible projects, science and sensory experiences and knowledge gained!
Free Jungle Writing with Tigers at Twilight
Free Jungle Writing with Tigers at Twilight - A fun writing activities with six different animals tigers, elephants, monkeys, rhinos, snakes, and peacocks. You have fact writing and and sentence writing- 3Dinosaurs.com
Storytime Theme: Jungle – Literacious
Storytime Theme: Jungle – Literacious