
108 Pins
Maria Fernanda on Instagram: "Um giro completo por essa cozinha gourmet dos sonhos passando pelo seu feed! Arraste até o final e me contem nos comentários o que vocês acharam 🤩🫶🏻 Projeto @gongoramendes.arq Siga também @mariafernandarquiteta __________________________________"
Interior Design- Allison Campbell on Instagram: "Roughly 6 years ago I began working with @alyssa_therecipecritic on her home. I knew she was a food blogger, but really, she was just a fun person to work with! We got along fabulously and she has always just trusted that I will do my best for her and make it “designory”😂 - Her home became well known as the back drop to many of her food photos. Recently, we needed to revamp her studio kitchen as she had far surpassed its ability to support her growth. - Last night, we celebrated her cook book at a book launch and we got to bask in her light. Alyssa, is a dear friend, amazing business woman, doer of good to others and one of my past, current and forever clients. - Congratulations Alyssa on achieving all that you have worked for! And thank yo
Liz McNeill | West on Twenty on Instagram: "🚮 Let’s talk trash! The trash drawer is used, abused and takes a beating overtime. I think these are the smartest features our cabinet maker @crownpointcabinetry includes on their trash drawers. Talk about amazing quality cabinets! I’m so excited to use these without thinking about harming the cabinet and wipe them clean without a worry in the world! Again, it’s all in the details ✌🏻 • • #customcabinetry #custom #customhomes #dreamkitchen #kitchencabinets #kitchendesign #interiordesign #homerenovation #kitchenreno #kitchenideas #trashcans #trashcandrawer #homedesign #homedecor #homesweethome #newhomeconstruction #construction #carpentry #massachusetts #walnutcabinets #interiordesign #createyourcomfort #kitchendetails #crownpointcabinetry #
Interior Design Addicts on Instagram: "A functional and beautiful kitchen by 😍 #interiordesignaddicts • #design #interior #interiordesign #kitchen #designinspiration"
Alead Home Kitchen Cabinets & Closets on Instagram: "Do you like this hidden cabinet table #door #countertop#kitchencabinets#kitchencabinet#kitchencabinetfactory#chinakitchencabinetfactory#kitchendesign#diy#art#love#aleadhome #highendcustom #highendprojects"
Tom Howley Kitchens on Instagram: "Our classic Hartford collection continues to be a favourite for those seeking a kitchen that can be defined as unpretentious, simple, and elegant. In this stunning open-plan design, our beautiful white hue, Orchid, creates a light and airy feel. A contrasting Marjoram island then adds a touch of drama, enhancing the Hartford cabinetry's clean lines and exquisite details. If you're considering investing in your dream kitchen, why not take advantage of the Tom Howley Sale? To learn more, click the link in our bio and request a free brochure. *To qualify for your sale discount, you must place your order between 11/05/24 and 30/06/24. One discount per client. Discount on kitchen cabinetry only. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer."
• DOM.W.POLACH • wnętrza / lifestyle / modern farmhouse on Instagram: "• P L A N O W A N I E K U C H N I • Dokładnie w tym miejscu od początku wiedziałam że będzie ukryta szafka z wysuwaną półką na ekspres do kawy. To był mój must have ☕️ Ekspres na blacie też mi się podoba, ale jednak jest to rzecz z której korzystamy rzadko w ciągu dnia i nie chciałam zabierać sobie blatu roboczego. Kiedyś na relacji mówiłam że kuchnię zaplanowałam w 100% sama. Wiedziałam gdzie ma być jaka szafka. Ale też sugerowałam się obecną, w domu rodzinnym, co się mi sprawdza, a co nie. Oczywiście, kwestie stolarza też brałam pod uwagę. Niektóre rzeczy wyszły od niego, np. ta wysuwana półka. To on ją zaplanował jaka ma być. Jest stabilna, nie jest trudno mi ją wysuwać, na początku musiałam się przestawić i pr
Dean & Co. Custom Homes on Instagram: "Favorite part about this kitchen… the coffee bar. ☕️ #dfwcustomhomebuilder #customhomebuilder #customhome #dreamhome #deanandco #deanandcocustomhomes #homebuilder #texascustomhomebuilder #southlaketx #westlaketx #pooldesign #argyletx #modernhome #smarthome #landscapedesign #texasrealtor #interiordesign #interiordesign"
Docking Drawer™ on Instagram: "Docking Drawer: The trusted choice for code-compliant electrical installs in Canada. 💃 Install Docking Drawer Blade Series outlets into kitchen cabinet drawers to create hidden pull-out appliance drawers, eliminating countertop clutter and creating more functional and organized kitchen spaces. ✨ Our Blade Series outlets with AC outlet configurations –when paired with our Safety Interlock Outlet with Blade Limit Switch– are ETL Listed for use in Canada. 🔌 The Safety Interlock Outlet with Blade Limit Switch senses a drawer’s position and de-energizes the outlet when the drawer begins to close, satisfying the requirement to de-energized AC outlets within cabinets in Canada. All Docking Drawer Blade Series Outlets are listed to UL 962a and CSA 22.2 #21 👏 an
КУХНИ НА ЗАКАЗ | ШКАФЫ | ТЕХНИКА on Instagram: "Гармония, и функциональность кухни Кухня - УНИКА доступна к заказу Почувствуй атмосферу ART KITCHEN ART KITCHEN WhatsApp +7 928 599-77-79 Звонить +7 928 599-77-79 #дизайн #дизайнинтерьера #интерьер #дизайнкухни"
Lancine Aday on Instagram: "When in the designing stage, it’s important to understand how your clients live in the kitchen, and what items can be tucked away behind cabinet doors. This cabinet, with its sliding garage door was the perfect spot to put my clients French press. This keeps her counters clear and anxiety low. #coffeestation #kitchendesign #kitchenrenovation #kitchenremodel #kitcheninspiration #kitchenideas #kitchencabinets #kitchengoals #interiordesign #interiorcommunity #interiorstyling #interiordesigner #interiorinspiration #homesweethome #homeinspiration #renovation #customcabinetry #designinspiration #renovationproject"
Maurice | Pennington Perspective on Instagram: "Until I get @thisisnickdotcom to do it justice, this will have to do! Kitchen complete 👌🏾 ______ #whiteoakcabinets #tajmahalquartzite #liketkit #LTKhome #howwedwell #wearevivir #interiordesign #styleathome #dreamhouse #interiorstyle #houselove #neutraldecor #lightandbright #hometour #currenthomeview #luxuryhome #archdaily #makehomeyours #kitcheninspiration #luxeathome #kitchendesign #kitchen #kitchendesigns #kitchendecor #kitcheninspo #kitchenremodel #kitchendesignideas #kitchenisland #kitchencabinets #penningtonplace"
Docking Drawer™ on Instagram: "Scott, our founder, has some insights on what to include in your Docking Drawer system to ease your concerns about appliances malfunctioning! Docking Drawer outlets offer a convenient way to stay connected while eliminating clutter from limited kitchen surface space, making them an ideal solution for kitchen cabinetry and kitchen islands. Ensuring the appliance is powered off when stored away involves a simple add on available for all outlets! The Blade Series Limit Switch mounts to the included Blade Duo outlet to detect the drawer position and de-energize the connected Docking Drawer outlet (as well as the Safety Interlock Outlet itself) when the drawer is closed. Designed for use in appliance garage applications, the Corner Mount Limit Switch (formally