Math at Home

Fun daily math activities, collections of practice pages, family games, and online games. Please share with anyone who needs accessible and free resources. No login or registration required. These daily math activities are ideal for elementary school students: preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade.
183 Pins
Would You Rather? Snack Attack!
Which snacks would you rather buy? #FifthGrade #Decimals #MathAtHome
Same & Different: Comparing Grids
Look at the two pictures. What do you notice? What’s the same? What’s different? #FourthGrade #MathAtHome #BridgesMath Visit the link in bio to see all our free PreK–5 Math At Home activities!
What Comes Next? Quarter-inch Creep
What do you notice? What do you wonder? What patterns do you see? #WhatComesNext #ThirdGrade #MathAtHome
Same & Different: Picnic Paths
Look at the two paths the ants took to get to the picnic. What do you notice? What’s the same? What’s different? #SecondGrade #MathAtHome #BridgesMath
Introducing K–2 TEAs for Seesaw
Exciting news! 🎉 Our Tech-Enhanced Activities (TEAs) for Kindergarten–Grade 2 are now available on @seesawlearning! Visit the link in bio to learn more and register for our interactive webinar with #Seesaw on Tuesday, February 23 at 4:00 PT.
Kindergarten Math in Our World: Sink or Float?
What do you notice about the results of our Sink or Float experiment? What mathematical questions can you ask about it? Do your own experimenting and create your own data! #MathInOurWorld #Kindergarten #BridgesMath
Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes App
#ShareTheMathLove with us! In this prompt for grades 3–5, look at these two heart designs. What’s the same about each design? What’s different? Use the share code to share your heart! #BridgesMath
Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes App
Kindergarten–Grade 2: Heart Values! What is the value of the heart? Use the share code with your students to see how they solved for the total value of the heart. #ShareTheMathLove #BridgesMath
Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes App
Grade 3–5: Symmetrical Heart Design! Use the pattern shapes to make 2 different symmetrical heart designs. Use the draw tool to make a line of symmetry on each heart. Use the share code to see your students' work! #ShareTheMathLove #MLCMathApps
Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes App
Kindergarten–Grade 2 prompt: Same & Different Hearts! Look at these two heart designs. What’s the same about each design? What’s different? Use the share code to share your heart! Visit the link in bio to see all our heart-themed prompts ❤️ 🧡 💛 #ShareTheMathLove #BridgesMath
Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes App
Kindergarten to Grade 2: Symmetrical Heart Design! This is a great prompt to share with your students! Use the share code to see students work and #ShareTheMathLove! #BridgesMath #DistanceLearning ❤️ 🧡 💙 Link in bio!
Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes App
Grade 3–5: Filling Hearts! Fill this heart with 12 shapes. What fraction of the heart is covered by each type of shape? #ShareTheMathLove #BridgesMath 💙
Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes App
#ShareTheMathLove prompt for grades 3–5: Heart Values! What is the value of the heart? Use the share code with your students to see how they solved for the total value of the heart.
Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes app
Can you find reasons why each heart doesn’t belong with the others? Use the text tool to explain your thinking and the share button to share your work! #ShareTheMathLove #BridgesMath
Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes App
Great News! The Pattern Shapes app has been updated with the share feature! Check out the shared problems and activities we've compiled for K–5. Explore these problems on your own, present them to your students, and #ShareTheMathLove! ❤️ 🔺 🔹