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Spirit Days for Music In Our Schools Month
Spirit Days for MIOSM by Tracy King
Music in Our Schools Month. Students finish sentence "Music makes me__________". Take their picture with their 'word' and wa-la! Great bulletin board that showcases your students's love for music!
Promoting Music In Our Schools Month
Explore ideas for promoting Music in Our Schools Month in your school, classroom and community. Ideas that are simple, easy to implement and impactful are discussed in this article.
MIOSM - Student Response Sheets
Music In Our Schools Month (MIOSM) Student Response SheetsSix to a page1) I love music because _________.2) I think having music in school is important because _________.I would love to see how you use these during MIOSM! Feel free to share via email or on Facebook!
Spirit Days for Music In Our Schools Month
Spirit Days for Music In Our Schools Month
Spirit Days for Music In Our Schools Month
Great ideas for dress up days or spirit days during Music In Our Schools Month. Prepare for your MIOSM celebration with lots of fun ideas.
Learn Me Music - MIOSM: Music in Our School Month Coloring Pages and Bulletin Board