
760 Pins
ズアカショウビン (頭赤翡翠) Guam kingfisher, Micronesian Kingfisher (Todiramphus cinnamominus)
ズアカショウビン (頭赤翡翠) Guam kingfisher, Micronesian Kingfisher (Todiramphus cinnamominus)
Xerces Blue
Object #135 | Xerces Blue => Read & Listen: ------------------------- Xerces Blue #butterflies were last seen in the early 1940s in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is one of the first American butterflies to become extinct as a result of loss of habitat caused by urban development. In its honor, the Xerxes society was created focused on the conservation of invertebrates. #collections #lepidoptera #butterfly #extinct #invertebrates #FM100Yrs