
23 Pins
13 Ways To Avoid The Ring Of Fire During Birth - Trimester Talk
13 Ways To Avoid The Ring Of Fire During Birth
Birth Arts International Doula Certification
Doulas you may find this list helpful in getting all ready for births. #doula
40 Natural Ways to Induce Labor: Do They Actually Work?
Inducing Labor - 40+ Natural Ways To Induce Labor On Your Own.... Not that anything ever works. These babies don't ever come when you want them to! But it's always fun to try.
12 Mainstream Pregnancy Lies You Likely Believe - Modern Alternative Mama
There are so many lies that surround #pregnancy these days. Sadly, women believe them, leading to less-than-ideal care. #Women deserve better than that!
Birth Tub Specifications : Portable Birth Pools | Heated Birthing Tubs
Birth Tub Specifications : Portable Birth Pools | Heated Birthing Tubs | WaterBirth Birthing Pools by
Will Induction Work if my Cervix is Closed & Baby Not Engaged?
Will an induction work if: you're not effaced, not dilated, it's your first baby, baby is high or baby hasn't dropped.
Another pinner says: "I am a nurse and one of my patients in the hospital had this basket of candy and treats in their room with a poem attached to it they received as a gift from friends. They called it "Nurse Bait"! The poem was too cute not to share and the nursing staff greatly appreciated it also. This is a good idea for a gift for anyone who is stuck in the hospital. You can read and copy the poem to attach to your basket of sweets to share with the patient and staff caring for them!"