Bobby Axelrod - Billions

10 Pins
5y Bitcoin Wallet
We sometimes wonder what people like you are waiting for and why you have not started earning always learn to strike when the iron is hot as it is more beneficial. Yes you can call it a risk if you like but have you heard of where anyone made it to the top without taking risks? you either take risk with your life of with your money. #btc #bitcoin #binaryoptions #bitcoinminer #bitcoinexchange #business #24options #bitcoincash #ripple #ethereum #litecoin #blockchain #invest #trade #forex #forexmar
Only a fool doesn't look at the downside. But only a coward allows it to dissuade him from that which he knows he must do. - MagicalQuote
Wendy Rhoades: Only a fool doesn’t look at the downside. But only a coward allows it to dissuade him from that which he knows he must do. #Billions #WendyRhoades #fool