Krop og psyke

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John-Ray Gonzalez on Instagram: "Throwback to one of my first viral videos! 🙌 While I was off on the terminology back then (it was actually papules in the foot), the message about fascia and tension still holds true. Fascia tension can contribute to papules—fat pockets—‘popping out’ (or more accurately, releasing). Sharing this again as a reminder that growth comes from acknowledging mistakes and embracing corrections. Also this client felt 1000x better after this session! Let’s keep learning and evolving together! 💪 #painrelief #knot #heels #runner #recovery #massage"
Isak Nyqvist on Instagram: "Följ @isaknyqvist för mer röv-träning 🙏🏻 🍑 Kollapsade rövar finns det gott om idag. 🪑 Inte så konstigt med tanke på att vi sitter på arslet hela dagarna. ⁉️ Hur kan vi då förebygga så att röven inte kollapsar? ⛹🏼‍♀️ Genom att aldrig sluta röra oss kontinuerligt från barndomen till sista dagen vi vandrar på planeten. 🔥 ”If you don’t use it, you lose it” - naturlag. 🥵 Om du nu har förlorat kontakten med röven och upplever att den hänger ner i knävecket, då kan du testa den här övningen för att väcka den till liv igen. ⏰ Kör 20 sek per sida 3 gånger. ⭐️ Utforska, mikrokorrigera och sök rövkontakt. 🏋🏼‍♂️ Efter den här övningen går du direkt på de större övningarna, marklyft, knäböj och utfallssteg. 🤩 Då ska du se att sakta men säkert kommer röve
Whealth on Instagram: "Do you agree with Matthew McConaughey’s late father? Tris or Bis? If you have shoulder pain, comment “Shoulder” below, and I will send you our free shoulder pain relief series. Let us know if these kinds of videos provide you with a deeper understanding of your body. What I didn’t add in the video is that the rotator cuff muscles (4 of them) help to keep the shoulder in place. They prevent the shoulder from moving too much in one direction so it doesn’t dislocate. They may move the shoulder around, but they also stabilize it. Strengthening them with isolated exercises as well as just carrying heavy stuff, will help to strengthen them. ————————————————————— 🔥Interested in overcoming your chronic pain for good? You can utilize our programs: →🆓 Shoulder series
Jude Massey on Instagram: "Sinus & Blocked Ear Release 👉🏼 Save & Try If you’re constantly battling sinus, nose, and ear congestion, I get it—I’ve been there too. For years, I struggled with the same issues until I discovered acupuncture, acupressure, and the transformative power of Chinese medicine. By changing my diet and lifestyle, I was able to completely transform my health. Since then, I’ve helped thousands of patients significantly reduce their congestion, and I’ve condensed everything I’ve learned into an affordable eGuide. Comment “EARS” below to get the discounted link and start relieving your sinus, nose, and ear congestion today! 💚 ✋🏼 Not Medical Advice #Blockedears #sinusrelief #sinusitis #sinusinfection #acupressure #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #healthhacks #welln
Sick & Tired of Pain? on Instagram: "Do any of you feel an annoying numbness or tingling in your FOOT?? 🦶 What if I told you there was something causing that numbness/tingling and can be removed? There’s a gluey substance called ADHESION that can form in your muscles after extended use or trauma. This adhesion can also stick to nerves trapping them and causing numbness. The doctors at Precision Health Group are specialists in adhesion as they know how to 👉 Understand WHERE the pain is coming from. 👉Know the right TOOLS to use. 👉 Apply treatment to those areas at the right TIME and in the right ORDER. After you get treated, we immediately recheck your range and provocative movement to see if we got the problem or not. Don’t let adhesion prevent you from doing simple, every da
Sick & Tired of Pain? on Instagram: "⚠️ Low back pain can quickly go from a nuisance to a NIGHTMARE. It affects everything. Sitting, standing, sleeping, working out, playing with your kids, even standing with good posture! Your daily rhythms of life become affected. Now, what is the most common CAUSE of chronic low back pain? Well, the answer is: ‼️ADHESION‼️ Adhesion is a gluey substance that infiltrates the muscles and prevents them from contracting. It causes tension, weakness, and pain. The muscle is not able to function to the best of their ability when adhesion is present👎. Sometimes adhesion in one area can cause pain to OTHER parts of the body. The patient in the video above had adhesion in the abs which referred the pain to the low back preventing them from living wit
Sick & Tired of Pain? on Instagram: "Do you have 👉tights hips 👉pinching in the front of your hip 👉pain with bringing your knee to chest ✅If you checked yes for any or all of these, then you most likely have ADHESION in the Quad. Adhesion is a gluey substance that causes the muscles to be tight and weak. It is one of the most COMMON causes of CHRONIC PAIN. Hips that don’t work well are no fun.👎 Fortunately, we’re the ONLY clinic in Missouri that finds and fixes adhesion like this. If you’re sick and tired of hip pain that has ✅lasted for 6+ months and ✅have seen 3+ providers with no relief DM us “hip” and we’ll get you working hips in no time! #hippain #chronicpain #chronicpain #adhesion #painwithwalking #painwithstanding #painwithsitting #lowbackpain #hipshurt #hippinch
Sick & Tired of Pain? on Instagram: "BACK PAIN with your DRIVING SWING? 🏌️‍♂️ AND, it hasn’t gotten better after strengthening or physical therapy? Have no fear. There’s always a solution to any problem. It sounds like you may have the most common cause of chronic pain or tension. It’s something that 90% of our patients haven’t even heard of: ADHESION. Adhesion is a gluey fibrous material that infiltrates the muscles and makes them tight. It’s a nasty little bugger. Lucky for you, our doctors SPECIALIZE in finding and removing this stuff. If you think you might have adhesion, DM us “Mid back” and we’ll get you hands that work again in no time! #saintlouis #phg #chiropractic #sportsinjury #golf"
Sick & Tired of Pain? on Instagram: "HEADACHES are NO FUN🤕 Over the counter treatments don’t always do a ton to help. 💊 However, we know that there is more to a headache than meets the eye. In fact, the real issue might not have anything to do with your head at all! The issue might be coming from ADHESION in your neck. Adhesion is a gluey substance that infiltrates the muscles and prevents them from doing the things they’re supposed to. It’s one of the most common causes of chronic pain. If you have had persistent headaches ✅Lasting 6+ months And ✅Have seen 3+ doctors or therapists Then DM us “headache” to start your journey of pain relief! #migraines #headaches #chronicheadache #neckpain #pain #chronicpain #suboccipitals #upperbackpain #headacherelief #migrainerelief #we
Thomas Bulig Thoustrup - Grundig Udredning og Smertebehandling on Instagram: "Tjekliste til din hovepine. 5 punkter du med fordel kunne tjekke hvis du bøvler med hovedpine. 1) lymfe ved kraveben og bag kæbe/under øret, samt de dybe hals lymfeknuter. Husk at tjekke begge sider. 2) Masseter - kæbemusklen, som du bruger til at tygge. 3) Sternocleidomastoideus - halsmusklen. Stråler ofte op på siden af hovedet, til toppen af hovedet eller til samme sides øje/pande. 4) Trapezius. Skulderågsmusklen. Trækker ofte op i nakken eller frem i hovedet. Vi har ofte talt om træning ift denne. Løft skulderen op. Se om din skulder hænger. 5) de suboccipitale muskler. Nakkefæsterne. Små muskler som arbejder meget sammen med øjnene, i styring af hoved og syn. Tjek dem alle, på begge sider. Behan
Oplev smertelindring og velvære med Nordic Ease
Oplev smertelindring og velvære med Nordic Ease
Ny undersøgelse: Disse fødevarer kan forårsage akne
Ny undersøgelse: Disse fødevarer kan forårsage akne
Dr. Joe Damiani - TMJ, Head & Neck Specialist on Instagram: "Comment the word ‘NECK’ on this video if you need a structured plan to fix Headaches, Neck or Jaw Pain. Do you experience neck and head pain and it seems to worsen while or after using your arms? This may be during exercise or just day-to-day tasks, such as lifting, carrying or reaching. Well, one of the reasons I find this to occur is because of weak rotator cuff muscles that don’t know how to stabilize the glenohumeral joint, a.k.a. shoulder joint. When these muscles don’t perform their job, the bigger muscles in the area like the upper trapezius, deltoids, rhomboids, levator scapulae and some others have to make up for this or overcompensate…. The problem is these muscles are designed to do other roles, such as higher levels
Dr. Joe Damiani - TMJ, Head & Neck Specialist on Instagram: "Comment the word ‘DIZZY’ on this post if you need help getting rid of dizziness, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, headaches or other funky head and neck and face symptoms?… and I’ll help you out! Too see the upper neck also known as sub occipital region can be a gold mine to address symptoms like this, it may not be the cause of all of them but it’s always a great place to start because it can be an easy fix. There are several variations and approaches to address this area and this one is to release and then activate. It gives us the opportunity to renormalize length-tension ratios in the region…. Thus nerves, muscles and blood vessels can be decompressed causing reduction of symptoms. Comment the word ‘DIZZY’ on this
Det gode liv: Svend Brinkmann
Det gode liv: Svend Brinkmann