
All things Gardening. Tips on where, how, when and WHY to grow your own vegetable garden. How to be more efficient and self-sufficient while growing your own food. Start small and grow your garden with the amazing tips offered to you here on the Gardening board!
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Best vegetables to grow in raised garden beds
Beginners should start with these best vegetables to grow in raised gardens beds. This list of easy-to-grow vegetables in raised garden beds is a great start for backyard gardens. gardening | vegetable gardening | homesteading | backyard gardening
Winter-Spring Gardening With 7 Tasks And Projects In January
7 Tasks Must Do To Prepare Your Garden In January - #gardeningtasks #gardening #january #wintergardening #agreenhand
How To Grow Poinsettias Indoors And Outdoors
The Christmas poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima, is one of the most popular Christmas houseplants. It is possible to keep the plant through the year. The main factors in caring a poinsettia are light and air, which this plant thrives on. #poinsettia #poinsettiacare #growpoinsettia #agreenhand
How To Care Your Lawn In The Summer
Summer is the peak season of the year for enjoying the lawn and garden. Some attention is required to efficiently maintain lawn health. #agreenhand #lawncare #summer
Easy To Build: DIY Cold Frame Gardening Steps
A cold frame is a bottomless box placed over plants for protection from intense weather. These boxes are built on the lower part of the ground and utilize a transparent material for the roof. If you wish to grow plants even during cold weather conditions, cold frame gardening (for winter) is an effective method to pursue. #coldframe #diygardening #protectplants
How To Grow A Venus’ Flytrap
Venus' flytraps have a reputation for being difficult to grow, but there are only 3 things you need to get right to keep them successfully: water, light, and temperature. #agreenhand #venusflytrap #houseplant #Dionaeamuscipula
How To Grow And Care For Monstera Deliciosa Plants
The Swiss cheese plant, with lush perforated leaves makes a dramatic addition to indoor plant collections. Easy to grow and drought tolerant it's a popular houseplant. #houseplant #agreenhand #swisscheeseplant #swisscheese #monsteradeliciosa
How to Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats Around Your Houseplants
Fungus gnats are small, black flies which may be seen in large numbers flying around your houseplants. Get rid of them by letting the plant soil dry out. #fungusgnats #getridoffungusgnats #houseplantpests #agreenhand
How to Start a Lasagna Garden for Immediate Planting
Create a thriving backyard garden with our simple step-by-step lasagna garden guide! Learn how to grow your own food quickly and easily. Perfect for beginners and those seeking a fast-start method. Discover the shortcut to a lush, productive garden with this easy-to-follow guide.
How To Grow A Cape Sundew
Want a good carnivorous plant to start your collection? Look no further than the wonderfully robust Cape sundew. #agreenhand #capesundew #sundew #houseplant
Bromeliad Plant: How To Grow And Care For Bromeliads
Here are all instructions for growing and caring Bromeliad plants indoors and outdoors.
How To Make Fairy Garden Lights From Acorn Caps • Craft Invaders
In this simple tutorial, we show you how to adapt a garden solar light to power a homemade string of acorn cap lights for a fairy garden.
Can Pansies Survive Frost? ​How To Prepare Your Pansies For Winter
Pansies are lovely flowers for your winter garden. But you might be asking, “Can pansies survive the frost?” You want to be sure that your efforts in planting them won’t go to waste. Planting flowers in fall that will just die in winter is a waste of time, money, and efforts. #pansies #wintergardening #frost #flowers
How To Grow An Alice Sundew
The Alice Sundew is an attractive, easy to grow rosette sundew from South Africa good for cool greenhouses and sunny windowsills. #agreenhand #houseplant #sundew #alicesundew
How to grow Garlic from A Clove (Start To Finish In 10 Easy Steps)
Discover how easy it is to grow garlic at home with these 10 simple steps! Garlic needs little attention, making it ideal for beginners and busy gardeners. This versatile crop is simple to preserve, letting you enjoy fresh garlic any time of year. Perfect for your homestead garden!