
18 Pins
Pattern Play: Decorating with Patterns in Small Spaces—Dos and Don'ts - Interitor
Pattern Play: Decorating with Patterns in Small Spaces—Dos and Don'ts - Interitor
The Spaces in the Residence with Concrete Wall Forms Communicate Seamlessly | ESSTEAM
The Spaces in the Residence with Concrete Wall Forms Communicate Seamlessly | ESSTEAM
40 Modern House Facades With Instant Curb Appeal
Modern house facade with dynamic perforated screens. Check out all of these modern house facades that can transform any home into a head-turner with instant curb appeal.
Edificio Alma Brava I Hunter Douglas
Historia, tradicción cultura y arquitectura sustentable en un solo lugar. El edificio está ubicado en el barrio Sur de Montevideo, Uruguay y todas las carpinterías cuentan con sistemas de protección solar. Producto: Línea Folding &Slindig Shutters inlayer screenpanel perforado de Hunter Douglas, Inc.
The Innovative Design Concept And Meticulous Attention To Detail Of This Residence Stands Out | Sthapatya, A Design Studio
The Innovative Design Concept And Meticulous Attention To Detail Of This Residence Stands Out | Sthapatya, A Design Studio - The Architects Diary