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Learning Songs for Circle Time
Make circle time fun with these song cards for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners. Kids can practice songs about shapes, colors and the alphabet. These cards keep activities fun and interesting so you're not stuck singing the same songs all year!
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Colors Recognition Sorting Fun
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Colors Hands On Learning Fun! 2 Versions of the Old Lady Prop: Flip Top Can Kleenex Box Easy to Assemble - just print, laminate, cut and attach Velcro for ease of use Assembly Directions provided with pictures of each step This set includes the following for both the flip top can (larger pictures) and the Kleenex Box Prop Old Lady Prop 6 Color Header Cards - red, blue, yellow, green, purple, and orange 1 Subject Card 60 Color Cards - 6 per color Game Board Game Board Directions Activity Sheet There are so many ways to use this wonderful unit! Activities: Feed The Old Lady Old Lady Fun Game Color Sort I Spy Colors What's Wrong? and more! All of my units are hands on and perfect for preschool, kindergarten, speech therapists and special educatio