
43 Pins
This may contain: a person holding a lit candle on top of a piece of paper next to a potted plant
DIY “candle flame” interactive card. Easy and fun paper electronics project for beginners.
You will need: - Lilypad LED - Coin cell battery (CR2032) - Conductive copper tape - Reed switch (normally open) - Magnet - Paper - Tracing paper - Markers Warning: this project should be done under adult supervision. You can find supplies here: .
This may contain: a person holding up a green lamp on top of a blue table next to a potted plant
DIY “Table lamp” interactive card. Easy and fun paper electronics project for beginners
You will need: - LED diode - Conductive copper tape - Coin cell battery 3v (CR2032) - Reed switch - Magnet - Paper - Markers Warning: this project should be done under adult supervision.
This may contain: a green toothbrush sitting on top of a blue table next to a potted plant
DIY “Paper flashlight. Easy and fun paper electronics project for beginners.
You will need: - LED diode - Conductive copper tape - Coin cell battery 3v (CR2032) - Paper - Markers Warning: this project should be done under adult supervision.
Difficulty: Easy     You will need:  • 2 Lilypad lights  • Conductive copper tape   • Coin cell battery   • Reed switch (normally open)  • Magnet  • Paper  • Marker  • Thread
DIY “Safety first” card. Easy paper electronics project for beginners.
Difficulty: Easy You will need: • 2 Lilypad lights • Conductive copper tape • Coin cell battery • Reed switch (normally open) • Magnet • Paper • Marker • Thread
Alle Vorlagen jetzt gratis downloaden! Geschichten im Glas basteln für Kinder
Damit ihr die Idee schnell umsetzen könnt, findet ihr jetzt neu alle Vorlagen der beliebten "Geschichten im Glas" kostenlos zum downloaden. Mit dabei: Frühling - Ostern - Herbst - Halloween - Weihnachten - Silvester & mehr. Die Kärtchen mit den zuerst unsichtbaren Symbolen eignen sich ideal für den Morgenkreis oder eigene Geschichten. Die Motive animieren die Kinder spielerisch zum Erzählen sowie zum Geschichtenerfinden. Zum Download >>> | Kindergarten Ideen | Spiele & Bastelideen für Kinder