low kcal

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Healthy lunch ideas
50- 70cal per egg depending on small vs large, 16cal for 2Tbsps milk or 80cal for 2Tbsps cream(for scrambling), 33cal per tsp of butter(for coating the pan), 8 8 and 25cal approximately for a cup of spinach 1/2 cup cucumber and 1/2 cup carrot respectively. 157-261cal for this meal. It’s nowhere near enough. This looks like someone meaning well and trying hard to ‘eat healthy’ but lacking guidance. Not sustainable. This really makes me sad. This is why nutrition should be taught in schools.
Recettes Pois mange-tout et champignons sautés | SOSCuisine
Avec moins que 100 kcal/portion cette recette est peu calorique et donc id?ale lorsqu?on veut perdre du poids sans se priver. De plus, elle est riche en fibre.Pois mange-tout et champignons sautés
Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes : Brown Butter Garlic Green Beans with Almonds
Ingredients: 1 lb green beans 2 tbsp butter 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 cup sliced almonds Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cooking Time: 15 minutes | Total Time: 25 minutes Calories: 100 kcal (approx. per serving) | Servings: 4 servings #brownbutterbeans #greenbeanrecipe #holidayveggies #butteryflavors #almondcrunch #garlicgoodness #vegetableside #holidayfeast #greenbeans #thanksgiving #thanksgivingrecipe #thanksgivingrecipes
Fruitbowl 100 kcal #healthy #healthyliving #fruit #fruitbowl #blueberry #watermelon #strawberry
This may contain: raspberries in small cups with spoons on a table
These matcha overnight oats provide the perfect boost of energy to start your morning!
These matcha overnight oats provide the perfect boost of energy to start your morning! #overnightoats #overnightoatsrecipes #matchaoats #recipes #food #foodie #foodporn #cooking #recipe #foodphotography #instafood #foodblogger #yummy
This may contain: an iced vanilla matcha with a green plant in it
Iced Brown Sugar Vanilla Matcha Latte
Add a touch of matcha magic to your day! This iced brown sugar latte is the perfect blend of matcha's earthy goodness, sweet brown sugar syrup, cinnamon, oat milk, and a hint of vanilla.
This may contain: broccoli tots are lined up on a baking sheet
Broccoli Tots
Broccoli Tots - Perfectly golden on the outside, irresistibly soft on the inside – a delightful treat for all ages. Plus, they're gluten-free, healthy and tasty, these tots are a win-win for your taste buds and your kids
🤩 CREMOSA, deliciosa e proteica ✍ Você vai usar só 3 ingredientes: - 1 pote (160g) de iogurte natural ou iogurte grego - 5 colheres de sopa de polpa de maracujá - 4 colheres de sopa de leite em pó * Pra adoçar (opcional) 1 colher de sopa de mel ou néctar de coco ou melado 🥣 Mistura bem todos os ingredientes, coloca num copo e deixe na geladeira por pelo menos 4 horas. Na hora de servir polvilhe um pouquinho de leite em pó Feito pela maravilhosa @dayannelopes link no perfil
This may contain: a person holding a small bowl of food with mangos in it and the words sobremesa con meros de 100 cal ages
Sobremesa fit deliciosa
Sobremesa com menos de 100kcal🙌🏻 A sobremesa mais gostosa e baixa em calorias que você vai ver hoje🤗 Ingredientes 🌱60g de manga 🌱1 1/2 uni de biscoito sem açúcar 🌱50ml de leite desnatado 🌱30g de iogurte desnatado 🌱1 col de adoçante Geladeira por 1h MACROS: essa sobremesa inteira tem só 99kcal 6g de protei 16,5g de carbo 1,5g de gord Gostaram da receitinha? Querem part 2? 😍 Deixem nos comentários 👇🏻 #moussedemaracuja #moussedemaracujafit #moussefit #sobremesafit #sobremesasaudavel