Country Lyric Quotes

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The song of the day is @ericchurchmusic - #MrMisunderstood #countrysong #countrylyrics #music #lyrics #songoftheday #love #south #southernboy #countryboy #eric #church #ericchurch #brewedcountry #freshlybrewedcountry #country #song
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Eric Church – Springsteen song "Funny how a melody sounds like a memory ~~~ like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night" You probably wouldn't even know who I AM, but if I whispered your name I bet there'd still be a spark
Carrie Underwood See You Again...I think of mom every time I hear this <3
don't sound like you lee brice lyrics
Lee Brice - That Don't Sound Like You
Randy Houser - Boots On #country #countrymusic #countrymusiclyrics #countrygirl #countryquote #musicquote #music #lyrics #quote #musiclyrics #countryquote
Been some time since I liked a country song. Heard this one the other day and wished someone out there would actually say that about me.