Spiritual Health

380 Pins
The Pineal Gland and its Beautiful Awakening Process
The Pineal Gland and it`s beautiful awakening process
Learning about Emotional Equations
Some of our homeschooling doesn’t look like “regular” schooling. Okay, most of it doesn’t look like it lol. That does not mean they are not learning, nor does it mean they a…
Depths of Void — chaosophia218: Randolph Stone - Polarity...
Depths of Void — chaosophia218: Randolph Stone - Polarity...
How to Get Your Facebook Ad Approved Every Single Time (& Profit $1,000/week)
Here I will give my best to explain what cleaning the chakras is and also give you some powerful ways to do it.
Los Tres Nuevos Chakras
archangels, angels, chakras. This is the first time I've come across info associating angels with chakras, and some chakras that I'm unfamiliar with. Most info on chakras are usually showing 7 or 8 chakras, rarely 9. Intriguing to consider!
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