Gobbler Sandwiches

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Monster Turkey Gobbler Sandwich
When you think you can't fit any more turkey on this sandwich - add a little more. It ain't called a monster turkey gobbler sandwich for nothing. Perfect for Thanksgiving Day leftovers or any other time you make a turkey. Do you make turkey other than on Thanksgiving? Printable recipe and full video with step-by-step instructions on my website.
The Moist Maker Sandwich
Ross (yes, the one from Friends) was spot-on when he came up with the Moist Maker: the ultimate leftover Thanksgiving turkey sandwich. It's got gravy, it's got stuffing, it's got all the goodies to make our mouths moist, since its first TV appearance in 1998. #holidayrecipes #holidayrecipesthanskgiving #holidayrecipeschristmas #thanksgivingrecipes #thanksgiving #thanksgivingappetizers #leftovers #leftoverrecipes #themoistmaker #moistmaker #sandwichfromfriends #rossgellarsandwich
19 Turkey Sandwich Recipes That Will Make You Give Your Leftovers A Double-Take
Thanksgiving Sandwich - Delish.com
Cranberry and Turkey Sandwiches #SundaySupper by The Redhead Baker
I re-created these cranberry and turkey sandwiches (a regional staple!) at home for #SundaySupper's Thanksgiving leftovers theme!