Health & Wellness

This may contain: a person holding a jar filled with liquid and the words how to make red raspberry leaf tea
How to make the Ultimate Cramp Relief Drink
1hr · 1 serving ✨Red Raspberry Tea Recipe Ingredients: • 2 cups water • 1/4 cup raspberry herbs • 1 tbs cloves • 1 cinnamon stick • 1 orange • Ginger half Instructions: Get a pot and fill it with water. Add in all of your ingredients inside your pot. Squeeze the juice out of the orange while adding the skin inside. Turn the stove on med to high heat. Bring to a boil for 5 minutes and set aside for an hour. Serve, enjoy 😉. Add Honey or Agave if need be for sweetness. Benefits 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 Red Raspberry Herbs (helps with weight loss & rich in antioxidants. The medicine relief for period cramps, mouth or throat inflammation and diarrhea. Cloves (can kill bacteria, may reduce stomach ulcers, relieve pains naturally, has eugenol in it as well Cinnamon Stick (antioxidan